
whoaaaaaaaa yikes. I can't imagine expecting money at a wedding. That is so rude. Who on earth wants to go to a wedding if it becomes this huge, expensive ordeal for all the guests? It is the couple's choice to host a party - no one said they had to.

You are not alone.

We have three cats and my roommate has a fourth, so....yeah. Get you there. And yeah, that is kind of rare - I've had that happen with one boyfriend (and we were miserable in every other way).

lol. My boyfriend is a total slob, which can be frustrating but is usually kind of nice because I never feel pressured to clean if I don't feel like it. He thinks the shower hair is funny.

omg I do this with my shower hair too. I always make horses and faces. My boyfriend usually participates.

This is just silly. It's just a "bitch about all the little annoying things your significant other does" thread. You can't take a complaint like "she mocks my velociraptor impression" seriously, can you? I can't. I just started giggling when I read that. I feel like most of these complaints aren't really

yeahhhh...that's pretty terrifying.

also, manpurses are sexy.

By the way, you have the best username ever.

I hope sociologists do study this. Some hard data would be great to silence ridiculous conservative arguments against "non-traditional" families and single mothers.

I don't think it's going to matter, honestly. My family was "traditional" but my dad is a complete abusive asshole, and I think I'm worse off for it. My boyfriend's parents were never married and he hasn't seen his dad since he was 2, but he is one of the most emotionally healthy people I've ever met in my life.

This used to be my argument too. Then my boyfriend bought me a kitchenaid mixer. :D

"Oh, impudent...aspirational...cryptic...NEEDS MORE LOAM."

yeah, I had definitely never seen any porn when I started shaving. The only women I had ever seen naked all had bushes.

this! :)

same here - my mom has never shaved and I thought this was normal. I had definitely never seen porn and would not for many years.

TMI, I'm sorry, but this is the truth: I started shaving because pubic hair tends to get stuck together when you're on your period and it is fucking gross. I was a virgin and single at the time and male opinion didn't figure into it at all.

that's really sad.

Same. They look scary. I have smallish arms and am pretty weak (trying to work on that), but if my arms looked like the retouched photo I would be frightened.