
ummm I don't think it's any kind of existential crisis that makes me refresh over and over. It's that I am DYING OF BOREDOM at work right now.

Is your username a reference to The Sword of Truth? Because if so, awesome.

Sorry, cape-owners. :( For my particular ex, it was just one manifestation of the fact that he acted like a child in every way. But capes can definitely be cool (cosplay is awesome!) Didn't mean to offend.

That is shitty. I'm really sorry to hear that. :( I hope the person who ditched you for the wankdolphin regretted it immediately.

oh, agreed. I was just too young and dumb to realize that at the time.

yeah, unicycles are a no.

"Fortuna"? Who does he think he is, a deity?

Personally, I think all rape jokes are a bad idea, even the kind she approved, because there's too much chance of triggering something for rape survivors. Triggers happen even when you are making fun of the thing that causes them - any mention of a trigger will often cause anxiety. But that's just me.

I wish I had thought of that one. It would be awesome if you end up with someone who calls their dick "the platypus" (assuming you are straight...actually it would be funny for a vulva too)

what???? I hope you told him how weird that is.

plus what if you yourself were a teenager?

ewwwww. oh my god. I would have visibly cringed.

haha don't worry, I wouldn't be offended :)

My boyfriend is not a huge fan of his, actually - I think he got free tickets to the signing or someone he knew was going. He liked the film version of Fight Club, but he's not a big reader and I don't think he has ever read any of his books.

This thing would be annoying as fuck to ever have to clean. Look at all those little crevices.

I mean DAH-RAMAAAAH. I mean he liked to start fights, troll people, and say awful things about me and to me just to get a reaction. I once called him a drama queen and he got all proud and said, "I am a drama queen :)" like it was a compliment.

Meeeeee too. Better days ahead. :) Sometimes we have to learn the hard way.

No, three guys. #1 was not attractive to me and pretentious; #2 was an insane, abusive psychopath; #3 was just kind of boring and emotionally stunted.

YES. The way someone smells to you is more indicative of anything else whether you are attracted to them, in my experience. Don't ignore it!

Hopefully. It made me sad to think that he was such a jerk.