A tale told by an idiot

The TERF argument is now literally driving me up the wall. I was born a biological woman, and have always felt like a woman. When someone else says they, too, are a woman, it doesn’t harm me in the fucking least. “Being a woman” isn’t like a well with a limited quantity for everyone, where someone taking some means

Well now you’re changing your talking points around from what you said in your last comment, but regarding your new questions, vaccinated people are still less likely to get infected in the first place so anything that reduces transmission is good. Also, even if someone who is vaccinated gets infected, they are far,

If you’re talking about mRNA, the technology is not that new (it’s been developed over decades and made into vaccines prior to COVID), and if people are nervous about mRNA then they can go with one of the more traditional vaccines.

What about veganism? Ethical veganism is a thing and I know a few vegans who won’t get jabbed due to animal testing.

There is a big difference between touching a dry door handle and touching something covered with saliva from multiple people in an environment where people are unlikely to wash their hands after doing so and before touching their face. The amount of virus shed from Delta is also around 1,000x that of the original,

It doesn’t. And it holds up everyone behind you too. It’s a major dick move. 

That’s like going to a buffet restaurant and finding a “hack” to make them bring you food to your table so you don’t have to get your own food at the buffet. If you want people to serve you food at the table, don’t go to a buffet. If you want someone else to bag your groceries, don’t go to Aldi. As the article says,

I don’t get this “hack.” You still have to bag your own groceries. The only difference is doing it at the register rather than go to the separate spot. How does that save time.

I’ll just add that the narrative of “extinction” is something many native people today continue to struggle with. Populations that continue to identify as Pequot or Taino, among others, have had to continually resist the notion that they are “extinct” when in fact their ancestors may have intermarried with other

There is a difference between showing fit hero types and sexualizing them to the extreme. For example, no actual person would dungeon crawler in panties and high heels.  Sexy people can wear pants and flats too. 

Get back to me when all the male models in WoW are dressed up like they stepped out of a gay porn shoot. It’s absolutely an “aesthetics thing” when the men get armor and the women get thongs.

I agree. I mean, one of the EARLIEST pioneers of story driven PC games was Roberta Williams. Gaming didn’t start out as a ‘boys only’ club.

I’m guessing a lot of that stems both from ‘bro culture’ and the active discouragement in our society of girls in STEM - both classes and careers.

Even so, it wasn’t always this way. I think the serious shift of video games being a “boys only” club happened sometime in the early 90's.

Tick.  Why not?  Look, he's turned into a bloody  good little performer. 

Bernadette. That's right. A bloody good little performer. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. I thought we  were getting away from all this shit!

Even a focused gymnast can end up crippled. Like, say, Elena Mukhina.

This. A lot of people seem to be forgetting how damned dangerous gymnastics is. It’s not like swimming, where you might lose a bit of time and mess up your turn if you can’t focus. An unfocused gymnast can end up crippled.

I square it by thinking about the kind of life threatening skills she has to perform. MJ or Serena won’t be catastrophically injured if they aren’t in the right headspace at all times. Simone is in that exact position - if she’s off by a fraction of an inch or a sec b/c hesitation, she’s either dead or paralyzed for

I’m already seeing a lot of revisionists online but I rewatched Season 6 recently and Laganja was completely insufferable but I really don’t think it’s all her fault. I think she was coached by Alyssa (who had watched the reaction to her season and, more importantly, her Youtube videos) to go as big as possible. Be

Cyster will take a hallowed spot next to Ornacia and Lil’ Poundcake in the “Inanimate Objects who became RPDR Breakout Stars” Hall of Fame.

I think Aja's arc will be similar to Adore's but I don't think she'll make as far, in large part because I can't envision a standout Snatch Game performance from Aja.