A tale told by an idiot

I don’t know about you all, but I think men may be constitutionally too emotional to be in leadership positions.

Don’t get me started. Southern GOP tried to block Hurricane Sandy funding until they got hit with floods and wanted the same relief.

I’m not so much worried about awkward (anything is awkward at first until it becomes common usage); I found reading the article difficult to follow in the sense that I wasn’t sure whether “they” pertained to a group or to Dillon. An easy fix might be to conjugate “they” in the singular when referring to a non-binary

It seems kind of tone-deaf to talk about leaving to do “self-care” and maybe writing a book someday and all that when a lot of people are watching their jobs and livelihoods slip away.

Where do you think the hand me downs were purchased from? For alternatives yes  in the summer and spring time there are garage sales. Rare if ever are they in the fall or winter. And I don’t know what small town you’re from, but it has to pretty big to support an actual thrift store, one that’s open all year at

Gregg Koger feeling disappointed by the criticism, criticism that she can now just wash her hands of, is pretty eye-roll inducing. disappointed in the direction your company went, in the fact that the CEO is a misogynistic creep, not because people are voicing their concerns about it. Be disappointed that

^this, 100%. In a perfect world where good people and innocent children wouldn’t be hurt, New York and California would band together to legally undercut their contributions to the federal government thereby giving the Republican red states exactly what they always talk about: self-reliance. Sadly, even if we were to

Agreed and I think the author didn’t handle that ambiguity that well in this write-up. For example:

I don’t think it’s actually they/them/their singular that’s the problem, but that Julianne has exacerbated the possible confusion, because she is talking about “they” as the show staff responsible for coordinating the submission (plural) and “they” as the actor (singular) back and forth in the article, so it does get

I’m fascinated by the “I did it for the economy” argument. Like incredibly low unemployment rates and rapid job growth wasn’t enough for you? The hell else did these people expect?

Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.

Come sit by me, shug.

That dress annoys me as it looks unzipped.

What infuriates me is that what she learned from all of this is that she thinks she shouldn’t have voted at all. Really? With hindsight, you don’t wish you had exercised your right to vote for someone whose administration probably wouldn’t have ended up encouraging the type of ICE deportations that resulted in tearing

“I did it for the economy. We needed a change.”

Everyone will attack me for not being empathetic and that’s their right, but -

I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.

Wasn’t there a round of dead Syrian children before? Where was he with that? Guess to him it’s the old gas me once shame on you, gas me twice...

It is illegal, it’s just that no one is willing to stand up and say “This is wrong. You’re being removed now.”.

While I understand that a President has many advisors, I would expect them to have a field of expertise, knowledge, and experience that underwrite their advice. Ivanka is advising POTUS from a position of self-interest and her own agenda that she has not shared with the public. So, she is helping shape public policy