A tale told by an idiot

Well, plenty of kids are abused, but manage to grow the fuck up and not follow in the abuser’s destructive footsteps. Ivanka Trump is yet another corrupt piece of shit. She doesn’t deserve a pass just because her dad is a fucking creep.

Like Dave Chappelle’s imitation of his white friend who got pulled over by the cops: “I’m sorry, sir. I... didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”

And as I have stated before, big fucking deal rich girl is attractive. Plastic surgery, never having to do any manual labor, and a glam squad will do wonders for practically every person.

Bless him, he’s a UK actor so 1) trained and 2) realizes acting is a job and not a fucking calling

Oh my GAWD Manos the Hands of Death is just the best thing ever!

thank you for this screenshot.


Now playing

nothing but love and admiration for Unsolved Mysteries, whose storylines were every bit as as mysterious as they were lacking in...solvage.

I don’t know how you could possibly read this headline and not come away with the impression that writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times is what got him into Stanford. Also, writing something 100 times isn’t activism, it’s repetition. IT. WAS. A. STUNT. TO. GET. ATTENTION. And it worked. Good for BLM, good for this kid,

Can’t that just be your reason to fight climate change, and accept that different people have different, personal reasons?

If you think that global warming is going to raise the temperature of Earth to 400+ Celsius, than you have a pre-schooler’s grasp on climate change.

Well, not really. It’s certainly not going to kill us all instantaneously. You seem to have a really shallow understanding of how this works. I know it makes you feel superior to imagine that I’m some kind of wacky SJW, but you actually just look kind of ignorant here.

The effects of climate change are going to kill us - ALL of us.

I feel you really missed the thrust of the article. Nowhere does it even imply that Trump’s thought process is literally “I’m fucking over the environment because I hate black people.” Rather it explores the geographical fact that poor people of color are overwhelmingly more likely to be adversely affected by a more

In the US, race is the best predictor of a person living near pollution. A 1987 report found that communities living dangerously close to landfills were overwhelmingly black and poor. Twenty years later, a 2007 report found that people of color still make up the majority of folks living within 3 kilometers (1.8 miles)

Um, no. This young man goes to a prestigious, $34,000/year high school, probably has excellent grades, gave a TEDxTalk, founded TWO youth organizations, worked for both Martin O’Malley’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and got invited to a dinner at the White House. I’m not saying this as an insult to

what’s the saying? when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality looks like oppression? something like that.

Wealthy people have disposable second homes on the beach. Poor people have their primary residence near ports and refineries, so as to be close to work, and because housing there is cheaper. Working folk don’t get the beach view, but they still get the flooding.

Maybe before you criticize you should learn what it means. Latino is masculine. Latinx is the accepted term for the inclusive “Latin” community.

Neither did whoever came up with that ridiculous, misleading headline. Considering everything else this young man has done, I seriously doubt writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times is what got him into Stanford. But hey, it did get him the kind of attention any activist would want.