A tale told by an idiot

but then he will have nothing to grab!

Do not give him suggestions! He WILL make kittens illegal!

I have never been threatened or harassed by a Muslim. I have been threatened, harassed, insulted and stripped of my rights by white “Christians”.
Please tell me in America, which should I be more afraid of?

The amount of people who were totally OK with 45 actively trying to hurt Muslims, Latinos, refugees, women, ect., but are now super upset because he is hurting them now, and that wasn’t part of the deal! makes me want to scream.

As a queer person, this is pretty par for the course. Pisses me off, but par for the course. As a social scientist that uses the Census and American Community Survey data on a regular basis to evaluate local, state, and federal programs’ effect on marginalized populations, this is fucking enraging.

I just...I really like your screen name.

Yeah, fish makes me sick and I’ve been a vegetarian so I’m not unsympathetic to people with dietary restrictions. But there is a polite way to let someone know that you really appreciate the effort they put into something but unfortunately it will make you ill if you eat it. These people’s dietary restrictions were

Yup. Unless you will become physically ill, just take a bite and say a polite thank you. It’s not hard.

You’re right. As someone who is at least a decade older than Bobby and a resident of his home state, it should read:

Oh, that is very low behavior indeed. They should have their passports temporarily revoked (leaving the US) for that. I am not a well-traveled person by any means, but everybody knows that when someone in a foreign country puts themselves out to cook either a local meal or a meal like one from home for you, you

My father has a lot of flaws. But when he first met his in-laws my grandmother made meat loaf. He fucking hates meat loaf. But he ate everything on his plate. She offered him more and dammit if he didn’t accept and eat some more of the godforsaken meat loaf. That’s how you do it.

10/10 trolling, would laugh again

Yeah, Rickman’s character really sucked in this movie but they were so good together!

That is the reason I hate ‘Love, Actually’. They made Rickman (whom I loved) cheat on mother fucking, Emma Thompson. And made her cry. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not cool.

Drinking a martini, wearing a tiara. She is everything I aspire to be

“I have done nothing wrong.” Words Beatty has surely used frequently throughout his storied life.

Is is possibly just that our country is just now realizing how closely tied many businesses, especially in the energy sector, are with Russia? As in this isn’t unusual but we’re just turning the rock over to discover just how gross it is under there? I don’t know why but knowing that’s the case would somehow bring me

On Saturday it was reported (on AM Joy) that Rep. Devin Nunes has his own deep connections to Putin and a Russian oligarch who is the distributor for his vineyard. (This should obviously disqualify him from chairing the Trump-Russia investigation).

sober policy knower Paul Ryan