A tale told by an idiot

I couldn’t get through this season. Stayed with it in Season 1 and tried but the mid-season hiatus killed it for me. Everyone’s so unlikeable on that show.

I agree that all sides tend to cling to the idealized version of the leader they support, but there’s a limit. I don’t think Obama ever strayed so far from version of him that he sold us that it really strained credulity.

yeah, I was putting my tongue in cheek there. I thought it would be a bit extreme to call for euthanasia of the Trump voters. Equally dark is my fantasy of staging an Open Carry Rally in an auditorium where I planned to set off firecrackers and smoke bombs to let evolution take it’s course.

They all qualify for Medicare but somehow have a lot of opinions concerning my health care options. I can’t wait to be that age.

Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man, a stupid man’s idea of a smart man and a weak man’s idea of a strong man.

Putting everything aside, hatred of Trump, etc., this statement just bothers me to the core:

He’s still a Catholic school boy at heart, so he’s still trying to impress Father Pedo—you know, the one who took a “special interest” in him when he was an altar boy.

Pfft. More like the Hells.

He really is. The one that wears his penny loafers to the pool and wants to talk to you about your retirement plan, meaning he wants to brag about how wisely he’s invested his sweet middle management money.

I should clarify: I understand airlines having a loose, reasonable dress code for pass travelers— no looking too sloppy, no sleepwear, no profane messages on t-shirts, etc. But leggings are different today than they were even a couple decades ago. They’re overwhelmingly not considered sloppy by today’s fashion

Doesn’t Pirro sound drunk in that clip? I mean like a drunk guy trying to buy three bags of marshmallows, a pack of Camels, and a can of Vienna Sausages in the bodega and over-enunciating every word to the point that the cashier can’t understand a thing he’s saying. “Berries? What kind of berries?” “No, god...damnit.

He’s so THAT dad at the Dells.

haha! I love wig snark:)

Yes. This. How come this is ok??

On Sunday, Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus told Fox News that, though he had not spoken to the president about his tweet, he was sure its timing was “coincidental,” and that the president was probably just doing her “a favor.

It’s unbelievable that with a Republican-controlled White House, Senate, and House, they couldn’t get this bill passed, simply because it wasn’t terrible enough for women and poor people (and it was already pretty terrible), and because it didn’t give ENOUGH money to the rich.

Seems like Fox is treading dangerously close to a state run news source to me.

The Real Government Clowns of DC:

“No one expected a business man to completely understand the nuances, the complicated ins and outs of Washington and its legislative process,” the Fox News host said. Ryan, however, is a different story. “You come in with all your swagger and experience and sell them a bill of goods which ends up a complete and

one cnn analysts said “its past time, we need to start calling for trump to be tried on treason charges”