A tale told by an idiot

Are you me? Literally the only reason I ever think about having a wedding is when I want to consider the ways I could mess with everyone at an event that they feel obligated to attend.

I would LOVE to see a mother and son dance to Danzig!!

Counterpoint: “When a man loves a woman” is absolutely a love song.

I want Closer by Nine Inch Nails at my wedding.

Being a little odd and being mentally ill are not the same thing. Grow up for fuck’s sake.

“Your sentence is grammatically flawed. Try not to make mistakes when making fun of someone—it makes you look dumb. That question wasn’t anything insightful or significant, either. It was good for his piece because he’s writing for kids, and they don’t care for post-game analysis. For that reason, I see why the

Your sentence is grammatically flawed, try not to do that when making fun of someone it makes you look dumb.

You’re a fucking idiot.

I’m totally thrilled to see that smug overgrown Eddie Munster shitbag Paul Ryan lose. I can’t fucking stand that guy.

I honestly don’t know, but I’m going to take today to enjoy 45's massive failure. Which I made sure to tweet to him and Ryan. 

Rockwell AND McDormand in the same movie?! Not sure what I’ve done to deserve such rich rewards, but I’m fucking IN!

I’m going to watch the shit out of this movie. I was just talking to someone on another thread about Sam Rockwell and here he is.

These shows deliberately pick high maintenance and fractious participants in order to create drama, seems this time they created a little too much drama.A better example, which is less drama but more entertaining, is a version done by the BBC in the 1970s called Living in the Past. A friend had to watch it for her

Alright, I legit got a chill up on spine after reading the second one. Not cool.

I live in Los Angeles (born and raised) and I have no idea what you’re talking about. Sushi rice would taste completely wrong if it had no vinegar in it. That’s insane. I’ve literally never seen what you say. You must go to real suspect sushi spots. I’d be more worried about the fish you’re eating than the rice.

Um, you must go to some shitty sushi places.

You should stop patronizing places that serve sushi sans vinegar (which, not to be snobby again, is just rice chunk with fish on top).

Wait wait wait wait what?

Back in the 90s, I believe it was called Dusty Rose.... Elsewhere in the house, I’m sure your grandma had something that was Sea Foam colored.