A tale told by an idiot

You and I disagree about the fundamental purpose of the demonstration. You latched on to two words out of the entire event description— self-care — and overlooked absolutely everything else. This isn’t meant to be a national mani/pedi day.

I don’t know who your sitter is.

That’s called parent’s work.

I saw a man in the comments above say he was planning to take that day off from his job so he could take care of his kids while his wife and other female relatives took the day off from ALL work, paid and unpaid. I hope a lot of men do this to support the Women’s Strike. Perhaps men that don’t have the idea on their

Yup.... So you can decide what you want to do with the day. If you really think your kid’s school will be canceled, book a sitter now. Or plan a back-up playdate at someone else’s house (split the day— you’ll take them in the AM, they’ll take them in the PM). Or decide how to incorporate your child in your day of

that’s part of it. it’s not just a day to lay in the sun and hold a sign. there is sacrifice in striking. and that’s fine.

you might be taking care of your kid at home, but it’ll have a huge impact if all the female teachers strike.

You may have to make lunch at home, but a female is probably making or serving your

This possibility sucks, but protests are meant to be disruptive. If the point is to show that women are vital to the economy and that the absence of women would result in huge consequences that ripple beyond their local place of employment, then a school cancellation demonstrates it very well.

In 1975 90% of Icelandic women went on strike to highlight the importance of “women’s work” both professionally and domestically - including not doing chores, laundry, cooking etc.

I mean, aren’t most of the people who strike not able to afford it? I don’t know that coal miners, or textile workers, or those Yemeni bodega owners, or the people who drive NYC taxi cabs are really making enough to “afford” to be able to not work. That’s why striking is usually a last-ditch effort, and why it’s so

If you can’t afford to take a day off from work there are plenty of ways to still make your presence felt. Just don’t spend a dime. Don’t buy coffee in the morning, don’t buy lunch, gas for your car, groceries, etc. Don’t cook dinner for your husband, no sex (lesbians excluded). Adopt a uniform for the day be it all

I’m def one of the people who will be working, I just started a new low-wage job. I plan on participating by removing myself from the economy, no gas, no snacks, no lunch out etc. I really hope this is an impressive strike!

Yep! A very vocal protest voter friend of mine has completely stopped posting anything political and now it’s all Phish quotes and peaceful namaste unicorns all over her page. Thanks, asshole.

This is what I think, too! How are they 24/7 Reagan worshippers but also think Putin’s a chill dude with a cool ‘tude? He must have some damning information on the whole lot of them.

Yeah, I’m as old as you, and a spy boat this close is highly irregular in these times.

Dems are NOT like old time Republicans either. I have a strong memory of what’s what myself there, Jim with all the numbers after your name.

Ugh I am still seeing people claim that Bernie TOTALLY could have beat Trump if the DNC hadn’t hijacked his campaign. I won’t make any silly claim either way, but I also think it’s fair to be skeptical that a self-described socialist Jew who looks close to 100 and has limited ties and support to the party whose

You know...even if that were true, and for sake of argument lets say it is, it still does not excuse what the fuck is happening now. I mean thats just an excuse for people enabling Trump to win through not voting or protest voting. Ontop of that it does not excuse what happened to congress... Even if you hated

Yes. ANd click on Fox News, the lack of coverage about all of this is stunning.

See, all of this definitely makes me think Russia has some crazy shit on the RNC. Because as much as they leaked about the DNC, they obviously didn’t have much consideline how boring those leaks were. But considering how the Repugnancans suddenly love Russia (as Reagan rolls in his grave)? Russia must have some

Some GOP Congressional ass was just on CNN barking about how awful it is that a private citizen like Flynn in December was spied on. Thankfully, Don Lemon was smart enough to correct him that they were routine taps on the Russian ambassador and Flynn was the moron who walked into the trap. Yes. I said “Don Lemon was

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.