A tale told by an idiot

Hillary Clinton was so unpopular that she won 3 million more votes than Trump and 4 million more votes than Bernie Sanders.

Yeah said to other person the DOJ told the WH a month ago that he was vulnerable to blackmail. They’re just doing this to hope that the investigations and public pressure will stop.

It’s because the kind of people who are willing to vote for men like Trump are much more comfortable with a man who’s transparently a shitweasel than a woman who may have something to hide. If she’s not the very image of sweetness, light, and obedience, she’s therefore The Devil, and they reason that they’d much

Never forget: Behind every Foreclosure King drapes a ‘skinny white muzungu with long angel hair’

I like the cut of your jib, hollienanner.

You shut your filthy mouth! They do NOT have the same hair. Ryan’s is short and sticky and yucky, and Trudeau’s is soft and curly and perfect.

I work in IT, and this terrifies me. I have had confidential client docs before and I never EVER looked at even those in public. I locked down confidential client docs tighter than Trump locks down national security documents that were likely classified!

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

The sight of not just a woman, but a BLACK woman in trump drag should be enough to drive him into a rage explosion... of course, I’d expect a crazy tweet about this and not even touching on the MISSILE FIRED BY NORTH KOREA last night.

This is the perfect response. Makes sense since it’s from you!

Avoid bridal shops completely. They’re all going to roll their eyes at your request. They want to sell you an overpriced balloon in white. Kick around some other formal wear shops (think prom dresses) and see if anything jumps out at you.

Go to the admin and begin by telling them that the teacher does not respond to your emails. That is a big no no.

Go make a fuss. I’m assuming (as a teacher) that the issue is it’s being called a “pussy hat.” Please go ask your daughter’s teacher if she’d like to explain to the children that pussy isn’t only a synonym for cat. My guess is she’d rather not explain to her students why she objects to the hat. And please show up for

Anyone looking for work?

Most people here would quite happily take a free holiday to Moscow (wouldn’t you?!)

I’m not sure I’m following your grammar here but if you’re saying that averages of polls are meaningless I believe you’re out of step with how modern polling is done; specifically, several polls are weighted and averaged to find a most predictive aggregate, no?

There’s a REALLY limited utility to what a poll of a couple thousand people can actually say about hundreds of millions.

Enough. This isn’t a feminist issue (and I’m a fucking banshee feminist). It’s about common decency. If Hillary were walking in, she would almost certainly have waited for Bill. A lesbian or gay man would wait for their partners as well. It’s not about what men should do, or what Republicans do, or Democrats, etc.

To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasnt elected, she isnt getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First