A tale told by an idiot

These are my two goobers (and me) all staring at my husband in hopes he’ll feed us French fries. He gave them French fries and told me I’m a grown woman who could have gotten her own fries instead of a salad.

How often do you wash your hair?

Hey that’s where I went to college- Illinois State University.

This, however is Normal:

I tried calling mine. Because the DeVos appointment may hinge on PA’s very own Pat Toomey. But you know, funny thing, I got no answer and the voicemail box was full. After asking around I found out that both these things have been true for WEEKS now.

My Senator is Hatch, the pissant little baby who threw a tantrum because the Democrats didn’t show up at his committee meeting this morning, and suspended the committee rules so he could move Mnuchin to a full vote without a committee vote.

I don’t but only because I hate wearing shoes in the first place. If I didn’t have to wear shoes outside, I would never ever wear shoes. I have weird issues with stuff tightly or snugly touching my body like shoes, socks, gloves and hats.

I also have three cats with kitty litter paws and all five pets seem to time their barfs so that someone is always barfing. Then there are the children. Basically I should just burn the house down every day and start anew.

Apparently I’m wasteful because I toss my pillows every 6 months or so or when they start losing their “loft”. I don’t like a broken in pillow, thank you very much.

Democrats need to start doing this when the blatant lying begins by the GOP.

Anyone who has received the education that he has and still doesn’t see how taking away women’s reproductive rights endangers them and limits their freedoms has clearly missed some vital lesson along the way.

He may well be brilliant in an academic sense. Scalia was, too. That didn’t prevent Scalia from being profoundly ignorant socially. There are different kinds of ignorance. Like you said, whatever his IQ this man is clearly an ass.

From what I’ve seen of Gorsuch thus far, he doesn’t strike me as an idiot, just someone with views I strongly disagree with, but speaking as an Ivy League alum, I promise you there were students graduating alongside me who were dumber than a box of hair. Some of them have gone on to get graduate degrees from

THANK you. One skill set does not automatically translate over to all walks of life! Admittedly, this guy’s are more on point than Carson’s for HUD, but plenty of people in all professions can be “book smart” without being able to turn that into other abilities.

Try to replace that image with this one, for better dreams.

I’ve given men that look. It’s usually after they’ve given me multiple orgasms and then announce they’re going to go get me a piece of cake and will be right back.

Carson is not that great in the operating room. Remember the conjoined twin separaton that made him famous? Ever wonder why you’ve never seen them, not even in pictures? It’s because they never woke up from surgery... they were both immediately thrown into a vegitative state due to his crazy risk taking. Google it. He

aw, I was in school at the same time that he was. he (predictably) started the conservative paper and which (predictably) did a lot of pearl clutching. Lots of 20 year olds saying “kids these days! get off my lawn!”

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit