A tale told by an idiot

As a current owner of 3 cats, and a previous owner of many dogs, I disagree. Cats are quite adequate. They beg for my food, tell me when they need to be fed, let me know when someone is at the door before there’s a knock, and they even tell me when I need to clean their litter box. Loki in particular, will meow at

Thank you for posting this. Also, every attack on out democracy happened on a Friday (so far). By Friday February 3, 2017, Congress might be stripped of their power to check the office of the president. Look what happened with the Muslim ban and how the members of Congress were scrambling to respond.

I don’t give a fuck what people who aren’t you did in the past. You are a sociopathic piece of human fucking garbage, period. Fuck you and everyone like you. People like you put the truth to the lie of American exceptionalism. We aren’t a nation of loving caring people. We’re a nation of selfish assholes like you.

“I think it’s just unbelievably frustrating when you’re continually told, ‘It’s not big enough, it’s not good enough ...”

That jumped out at me, too. I mean, not that I think this administration is known for being eloquent and articulate, but damn.

Yeah, I paused when I got to that, too.

“priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters”

Together, we will make love

Pacifism is objectively pro fascist? Orwell can tell it to my ancestors who were burnt and drowned for refusing to carry the sword.

Well yes it’s a complex issue and Europe has been hit much harder than we have but crime is generally fed by poverty and/or inability to assimilate into the host culture. France has seen the consequences of over 100 years of poor treatment of its citizens of North African origin.

Ooh! Say “SJW” now!

Being stuck at the airport for an extra hour vs. being detained indefinitely with no idea what’s happening or where you might go? I was at JFK helping write habeas petitions for people detained who had valid permanent residency status, for fuck’s sake! People who *already lived in the US*. There’s a pretty significant

Pretty sure a few million more voted against him than for. And no, just because he’s in office doesn’t mean we all have to just sit back and let this 5 year old with temper tantrums play dictator. And this doesn’t fix anything, it just alienates a lot of people that would have otherwise been happy to call America

“Plenty of Europeans would say the safety of their country’s citizens outweighs the needs of Syrian refugees.”

Trains and busses weren’t impacted. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. Yes you can have those one offs of people missing time sensitive things. But we’re talking about people, refugees, in immediate danger in their country of origin. Not seeing someone before they pass is extremely

But Uber is a shitty company. It’s not like that’s some kind of commie pinko hot take or something.

Mmmm, no, the GOP decided the moment Obama was elected in 2008 to divide the country. They’ve been actively working to divide the country since 2002, when they started in with jingoistic war talk over invading Iraq and that anyone who didn’t step in line was out to destroy America.

Im not sure, since I live in an echo chamber, but I think Uber uses cars.

I liked it when Jalopnik was about cars and there weren’t fascists running America. I guess neither of us gets to have it our way.