A tale told by an idiot

Because I’m not a high-level government official, I honestly have no idea!

Worse, it doesn’t appear that this was run by the Office of Legal Council (OLC). That leaves all government agencies (federal, state, local) possibly reacting to an illegal order.

So what the fuck does that mean in practical terms?

It’s definitely Bannon. One of the other orders signed today added Bannon to the National Security Counsel while removing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Dir. of National Intelligence.

This is an important step... but this is another planned Trump/Bannon distraction.

Take a gander down to the Justice Department and you might get a clearer idea of why there was no consultation. Homeland Security and the State Department, too. In the week that he’s been ruling by executive order and grandstanding at a GOP retreat, Trump has still not named appointees to fill *hundreds* of positions

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

My republican congressman and senator have both gone underground as well. Not a single public event or town hall listed on their websites or social media. Cowards. (My democratic senator, on the other hand, has a clear calendar of events, regular constituent conference calls, and has weekly coffee with constituents

Yep and The Telegraph just reported that the “Chinese military says war with the U.S. becoming practical reality”. All because TrumPutin want more power and riches. And because ordinary citizens are so short-sighted, interested in their own wellbeing only (not even those of their children) and easily manipulated. Good

It doesn’t even require that they were in school. It doesn’t require an excuse period. That dude’s daughters don’t know the Obamas’ daughters. They have no obligation to do anything.

‘Daughter of a vicar’ means she didn’t grow up with lots of luxuries, as her father served a parish. So of the common man, not billionaires.

I wish I could make $30,000 a year, I would endure some yelling.

Gee thanks! Now I have an image of Trump as the scary clown with razor blade teeth from that Stephan King book... reality. Ugh.

Unfortunately I know Trump voters in the southeast who were directly affected by the storms and the lack of response to them and they still don’t even remotely give a fuck. They’re still reveling in how Trump is “sticking it to those libtards” and going to war against the Muslims to care that God is tearing down their

Yeah, this really should have been a bigger story. Those huge storms hit a bunch of Red States last weekend and that Jackass hasn’t said a word. A couple of states have asked for Fed. Disaster Assistance only to be ignored. He hasn’t even “prayed” for them.

Yeah, it’s real. The British press won’t make it different. You guys did this. And the rest of us are horrified.

Trump has spent very little time on anything that would not horrify the left, to the extent that he has failed to complete the basic task of sending federal assistance to Mississippi and Georgia after tornadoes slammed the South this weekend.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.