I mean actually the novel, Charlie and Chocolate Factory, is an insane colonialist fantasy when it comes to the Oompa Loompas.
I mean actually the novel, Charlie and Chocolate Factory, is an insane colonialist fantasy when it comes to the Oompa Loompas.
This may be more your speed.
You cannot treat bicycles like cars. They cannot go as fast. They’re incredibly low visibility and make relatively no noise further complicating that. It’s that simple. They will clog traffic as they become increasing popular in metro areas. I read your response as a long winded way of saying “cyclists are people…
There’s a bicycle lane for a reason, it’s not going away anytime soon. Bicycles are a good thing for a variety of reasons 1) less automotive congestion and pollution 2) cheaper to own for riders (economical) 3) less infrastructure needed to maintain.
Step away from the keyboard for a moment, take off the dunce hat, then come back to the discussion when you’re ready for adulthood.
As someone who has had a truck try to force them into a sidewalk, fuck off.
I do not accept the escalation of words to violence. Ever. The truck dude will go to jail for a very good reason. Anyone defending him is morally broken, to say the least.
Nope! Just someone with more than an ounce of humanity and who isn’t a fucking psycho.
Fuck you
I posted that a while back. No one believed me. I provided the medical journal entry. There’s some crazy shit in those, fun read.
They’re fucking with us and loving it because it makes us look like fools unable to lead the free world, which, with our current choice of leader, I can’t really disagree with.
That’s not the point -the point is that Christians know they are safe in England, and safe to practice in whatever way they choose and discuss their faith and live it out without fear of being kept from job opportunities, or faced with violence on the street. It’s still an abrogation of their basic rights to ban…
Of course he did. Putin may not be the Bond-level super villain he is often made out to be. But he’s an experienced pro. And when your opponent is as weak as Trump, the game is easy.
I’ve never said we do take them at their word. I’ve just said from what we in the public have seen so far. The hope is that the FBI doesn’t take them at their word and keeps investigating.
You are an idiot. Jr. implicated himself, Kushner, Manafort, and 45. You only need 2 people for a conspiracy
I mean, he’s right... at least at this very moment. Most certainly the meeting’s details constantly seem to be changing, but as it stands right now, his lawyer is right. Grossly unethical at a minimum, and while there’s a lot of smoke, no one has been able to locate a fire yet.
The fact that no Republicans care about this, and refuse to denounce it, let alone sign on for criminal prosecution or impeachment proceedings, makes me very uneasy. The way Cheetolini’s lawyers and little Benedict Donald’s lawyers continue to sign off on these stories that continually go from bad to worse, whilst…
I was bullied throughout all of junior high and high school. It sucked but I bought and paid for it. In fourth grade, a friend of mine and I made fun of a girl on the school bus. She had chipped nail polish and for some reason it seemed funny to ask her if she was creating little islands of polish on her nails or if…
Having an ally to either tank, heal, or DPS those toxic comments is incredibly helpful.
Sure, they may keep mouthing off, but being willing to
I usually go with “Weltschmerz”, which is probably too broad an application for this particularity, but y’know, if the worldpain fits, wear it.