
You left out the government before Putin, which was widely reviled for selling off state assets to Western investors at firesale prices, while we openly bragged about corrupting their electoral system.

I heard some time ago that Ireland had brought suit against US/Trump.

Hate Trump, didn’t vote for him, glad to see the parties disrupted

Vidal v Buckley!

He assumes he’ll be acquitted because he really doesn’t consider what he did a crime.

Ad of course, they were declared illegal. So became criminals by dint of working, or not emigrating fast enough.

Nxt up, atheist and socialists, if the evangelicals have their way.

Again... fuck off and die.

Fuck off, destroyer of lives. People are being deported over clerical errors. Property stolen, denied lawyers.... Ireland is suing us right now for denying their citizens due process and seizing their possessions.

Yesh that struck me as a crazy detail too. How...fortunate, for the Cosby team.

Yeah I’d be curious to know how her “media company” formed and launched, at such a specific time. Silent partners?

I remember. I marched.

Ohmigods awkward and uncomfortable.

“Sacrafice your heroes on the altar of a better tomorrow.”

What they described here was horrifying. My relationships have been (mostly :( ) sexually healthy and theres been plenty of S&M, but always in a spirit of ggg, consensual, fun fuckery.

...and then she filed a police report, and people supported her. People in the industry, too.

It’s alternately terrifying and hilarious to me that we have the head of a global empire with obvious signs of dementia. Have you seen any of the vocab/complexity comparisons of him now vs 20 years ago?

It’s also confusing because younger DT was not unattractive...

‘64 Chevelle Malibu was in ‘Repo Man’.... hidden reference?

‘obtuse’ is the word of choice I used in my response, lol.