Doesn’t anybody watch Better Call Saul? Sheesh!
Doesn’t anybody watch Better Call Saul? Sheesh!
Not a double standard.
Or that a big point of the 60's and 70's was fighting for equality, not fighting for the “opportunity” to fuck Hollywood producers.
Right? Yet in the writing, the conflict is so much deeper!
A fine line between understanding flawed characters and reveling in their worldviews.
Batman has historically existed in a fascist worldview. Dark Night / Frank Miller stuff especially.
Some fans read that into it, I think they meant.
A key element of BB was the exposure of the hypocrisy of the system at large, however.
Thank you. My old gf had to deal with that shit from the court system. Her husband avoided physical abuse, but came from money and was a paralegal/wannabe lawyer. Court functionaries are regularly indifferent to her and charmed by him.
THANK YOU! I keep thinking about colonization, and forcibly removing Native American children from their “abuse”, and how this is just policing of poverty and not help even if it helps some.
Native Americans forcibly removed to orphanages comes mind. Good intentions can cloak oppression.
I’m thinking of thousands of kidnapped Native American children saved from “abuse”.
But does CPS/the state always serve as a better protector?
Is it ok to torture fascists to find out where other would-be fascists are?
Is it ok for the state to murder them without open trial?
Some questions to be asked, in the heat of the moment.
Exactly. Been 30 yrs of rightward “triangulating”.
Or maybe running left is the answer. Dem Party has been triangulating to center for 30 years now.
In their car, parked on the train.
The most clicks for fewest words :)
“Disturbing video club”