I cannot tell if you are trolling or stubbornly selfish...
I cannot tell if you are trolling or stubbornly selfish...
Do you not understand “public”?
Wow. All this anger at you just cause you want to be sure; if we hang TrumpCo, the knots must be right.
I think too many people forget about the nukes, and really wish they would not be so eager to force the bear into a corner.
What’s a -? No. Nevermind, don’t want to know.
My gf drives. It scares me, but jobs are scarce. She keeps a taser near.
I vaguely recall the Knights of the Vale beginning to challenge Littlefinger’s claim...hence his need to spirit away an alternate claimant.
Please don’t put me on an island with those people. Please. I’ll be good.
Yeah, the NRA are a bunch of hypocrites.
Not too surprising. Cosby is one of the “good blacks”, happy to lecfure his fellow PoC about how they just need to be polite and bootstrap themselves to success.
Not just the 2016 election. Spymaster Comet worked hard to cover up for Bush, infiltrate Occupy and BLM, and perpetuate the worst paranoia of the GWoT by ensnaring incompetent would-be domestic terrorists with gov’t-supplied dummy explosives.
Except that our intelligence agencies (who never ever lie to us or are wrong) have specifically cited “Russian i.p. addresses” as their “hard” evidence.
Pssst! Your bias is showing.
“It’s about ethics in video-game content localization.”
Bob Dole, I think it was.
Hardly “universal health care”. It’s sill limited by means.
Don’t forget being the last industrial economy standing after ww2.
Lol. Mainstream Dems inability/unwillingness to do anything for disenfranchised communities is what gave us Trump. BLM and Occupy? Grievances against both parties, shunned by both parties.
Voters who came out for Obama and change stayed home in disgust eight years later, after seeing that the promises led to nothing…
lol. “Most brutal totalitarian regimes in history”