
Bored to Death is WONDERFUL.

I fucking LOVE Bored to Death, it doesn’t get enough love.

I liked it, but it’s weird. Little heavy on the old-white-dude worship.

maybe it’s me, but I never understood why OITNB is considered a comedy. I woulda liked to see “Catastrophe” get a nod; I’m not a rom-com kinda fella, but I thought it was delightful.

Did y’all see Yolanda’s medicine CLOSET on this week’s RHOBH? I’d be sick too if I was inhaling lavender, popping Ativan, injecting Vitamin K, snorting Cymbalta, rubbing Vicks on my feet, noshing on Lipitor, and imbibing amoxicillin.

Noel Gallagher: Adele’s music is bland and “for fucking grannies,” but he loves Coldplay.

I would keep applying the vanilla frosting liquid gloss and lick it off... I was probably too old to be doing it, too

This is the 11th time that’s happened for me

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

yes yes yes yes yes! I loved that one!

I watch that skit when I'm feeling sad and it always cheers me up. It's the cutest.

I just watched this for the first time and I have tears streaming down my face at work. I was not prepared for it to be that funny ahahahaha.

I've only watched half so far but so far it's really funny and he is adorable. I don't know why but it always makes the show better when they can't keep in character and laugh at each other.

Take heart, every knitter out there has languished in the “Really good at rectangles and not much else" phase!

Try knitting in the round, socks, hats, I learned fair isle/ stranded about a year ago just some double points and you’re good to go. YouTube is a great place to learn and get better.

Haha I remember that! He also made a Blair witch project like spoof that me and my brother rented for some reason

I bought a cassette tape of Pauly Shot doing standup in 1991, when I was 9 years old and on vacation at Disneyland. It was very different than his movie roles.

Haha same here! My brother and I used to watch like encinonman and bio dome and son in law and all that stuff ALL the time when we were young kids so they all still have a place in our hearts

HAHAHA. My brother said he’d marry Pauly because “he’d at least be entertaining for a while but then he’d get really annoying. And the other guy was like the mean jock boyfriend of the popular girl that Sean Astin was in love with.

I am so thankful to finally be able to shout this all over the interwebs: My transgender daughter came out to everyone yesterday. The whole big FB announcement. Those closest to her have known for a little while and I have known since she revealed herself to me five years ago. Now that she has been on hormones for a