My body is presently taking revenge for the way I treated it the first forty years of my life. Does that count?
My body is presently taking revenge for the way I treated it the first forty years of my life. Does that count?
Title should read: “Lindsay Lohan Overjoyed an A-lister Dropped Her Name. Slips her sister a $20 for rustling her up some headlines.” Was anyone talking about this until Ali Lohan tweeted about it?
The two of them certainly gave every appearance of being a couple last night on WWHL. They were also probably the two most obnoxious guests Andy has ever had on that show. He was so disgusted with them by the end of it that he gave them the Jackhole of the day award.
I'd say you're fine unless you actually notice thinning. I have super thick, curly, dry hair and I've tried everything from shampooing daily to not at all, bargain basement drugstore products to $$$ salon stuff. My hair thinned and broke when I washed it too much regardless of what I used. When I cut back to washing…
Aw, I liked Macklemore’s Downtown. I am required to. They filmed the video in my shitty town (Spokane represent!) and everyone here knows someone that was in the video. Plus it’s funny.
This list is incomplete because those weird ass and annoying Cheerleader “Nah nah, Honey I’m good” songs aren’t on it.
Honestly I’ll listen to Downtown on repeat just to hear the delightful weirdness that is starving raven god Eric Nally.
I love her. I just feel like she’s on everyone’s team, that she genuinely wants all of us to win. She is such a good egg.
i am right there with you. to be honest, i was a bit shocked by some of the comments. they come off really judgy and snooty, claiming they would never “lie” to their kids and i find that a little frustrating.
The older I get, the weirder I feel about the whole Santa mythology. I don’t like that kids are taught that if they’re “good” they’ll be rewarded—what about kids whose parents can’t afford to get a ton of gifts, no matter how good their kids are? And what happens when kids realize it’s all a big sham? Why can’t we…
We never had a “reveal.” When I told my mom some kid at school said Santa wasn’t real, she gave me the “Yes, Virginia,” talk in that “if you do something nice for someone because you’re feeling the Christmas spirit- that’s what Santa is. Your Dad and I are Santa for you and your brother, but you are Santa for us when…
Yeah, we kinda let our kids discover the truth about Santa in the natural way — either they were old enough to ask, or some other kid told them. It resulted in neither therapy nor trust issues.
Santa crisis is a crock of shit. By the time kids are old enough to stop believing, they’ve known for a while. My brother tortured my mom one year when she couldn’t find some particular Power Ranger by telling her Santa would bring it. He coerced her into telling him there was no Santa just to be a little bastard.
We do the elf. I’m into it, I really love crafty things so this is like a holiday crafty challenge., I post some of my favourite ones on my instagram. My kid isn’t having this terrified reaction though, she usually finds it and says that Pinpin is funny.
I think that there is room for the argument that gay black men and black women equally share stake in the creation of these phrases and language that becomes popular. Because gay black men and black women often times form relationships as a result of their disenfranchisement in society, I find it hard to believe that…
I loved it as well, although it felt cut short in the end and that there were so many storylines that not all of them were done justice (the molestation by Rita/giving up the baby behind Josh’s back; Davina’s struggles). But I probably only feel like this because I love all the characters even the supporting ones and…
Well she was valedictorian of her high school!