
Happy birthday! And that is one my favorite vinyl albums, it sounds so amazing.


That sounds SOOOOOOO good omg! I’m not a huge cake person cuz I’m not into frosting usually but that sounds delicious!

You’re welcome! The flowers are beautiful and that cake looks delicious! What kind is it?

Oh my god happy birthday!! That looks like such a fun and cute and comfy haul! This picture just makes me happy! Enjoy your gifts!


White people.

i fucking l-o-v-e deviled eggs

yes! i’m making a big list right now of everything i need to do. i’ve been cleaning out my closet and the trunk of my car is literally embarrassing. i also have paperwork that needs my attention. i feel like getting EVERYTHING organized and somehow moving onto the next phase. i really need to declutter and move on in

My break for Thanksgiving starts Tuesday afternoon, and I am planning on spending it cleaning EVERYTHING. I haven’t washed my windows or under the bed since Spring, and my floors are in need of a good scrubbing too. I have piles of clothes to take to Goodwill, too, though that might not happen since it’s a ~40 min

Thank you! I just need to find a local food bank now. I need to take my other stuff to Goodwill. The purge is no good without actually getting rid of stuff!

I am doing a major purge. Of all sorts of stuff. It feels so good. I did have this weird feeling of is it a bad thing for me to clean out my pantry and donate the food I am not going to eat but I bought? Is it? I mean, food donation is good, but I feel a little icky just giving away what I foolishly bought. I plan on

Happy Birthday(tomorrow)!!!!

Like just pickle relish? That sounds brilliant.

My husband gave me this lapdesk for my birthday last year:

oooh, gotcha, in the picture, I thought it was something like this

hmmmmmm this is relevant to my interests (eats and does everything in bed)

The replay a couple weeks ago with the underwear dudes from the dating show, with a skunk in the kitchen? That will get me forever.

Now playing

I would like to thank The Soup for introducing me to the wonder that is Greg Kelly.

“Stay out of it, Nick Lachey!”