Well, what do you expect? They ARE called the Pirates.
Well, what do you expect? They ARE called the Pirates.
Belgium has very crisp patterns, left to right and up and down, they almost looked like one big waffle out there.
Jameis thought that she had crabs in her legs so he tried to steal them.
Thoughts and Prayers go out to Kevin Knox.
Lauren, is this an attempt to start a ‘Why Your Team Sucks’ NHL Edition? Otherwise, wait till September.
Womp Womp
Not disagreeing, but my feel of it was a cut promo before a commerical for Koch Brothers shit or something like that.
By heiling with their right hand it leaves its Eastern Front wide open for a counteroffensive.
More ‘8's’ than I thought makes sense Nazi’s like using the number 8.
Meanwhile on Fox News: How Paul Manafort’s Manslaughter’s were necessary for National Security.
Trump would later announce that they will no longer to be called ‘cages’ or ‘detention centers’ but will be known as ‘freedom boxes’.
IIRC, Rude beat Warrior in WM V, due to Warrior suplexing Rude from out of the ring, into the mat, Bobby Heenan grabbed Warrior’s leg causing him to fall.
In a tugboat somewhere.
Gives new meaning to the old question: How many Poles does it take to screw up a World Cup Soccer Game?
R.I.P. Enrico Palazzo
Only Fox News can present a show where a Klansman appears on a tv show hosted by a Nazi.
I believe your dinner break is over at the Russian troll farm.
When it comes to cheering for Mexico, Landon Donovan is building a wall between himself and his teammates, and his reputation is paying for it.
Dimmit County Sheriff Marion Boyd told ABC News. “The vehicle was traveling around 100 miles per hour and from what we could tell the vehicle ran off the road, caught gravel, then tried to recorrect and that caused the vehicle to turn over several times.”