Elissa Ennis will be the symbol of the #methree movement.
Elissa Ennis will be the symbol of the #methree movement.
Let’s also point out that Jimmy Carter’s post-presidency was a disappearing act for the first 13 years before he resurfaced in talks with Haiti, North Korea and other hot spots.
Let’s put this in perspective....Sean Hannity is the Joseph Goebbles of our times.
I believe one of the Gund’s was blinded by the whole experience.
“Our members realize what we want to do is act on our agenda, improve rich people’s lives,”
I’m sure the NFL owner came up with 17 different weekly themes to pretend to care about an issue in order to ramp up merchandise sales.
Apparently, the drink thrown at Tomi Lahren was a shot. One part Rumple Minze, one part Jager, one part Goldschlager.
It shows that Big Dick Nick prefers not do anal
Makes sense many Met fans get punched outside the stadium for being obnoxious.
I believe her only successes in the hearing is the “I am rubber and you are glue” defense following with the “I know what you are, but what am I” initiative.
All we need now is a collision with vodka and we can have a shaken martini.
The #metoo movement will finally do what McDonald’s should have done for decades. Force Mayor McCheese to resign.
We heard from Splinter how Ruy Giuliani had a thing for the Old Gray Lady didn’t we?
Something about him has to have “BigHands”
To think our society will come to an end because somebody’s password is 12345
Mario Batali has always been a very vain person. The Spotted Pig? Why name a restaurant after yourself?!?
So you can say that this abortion of a president is done with his first trimester.
Even Tim Tebow couldn’t save the game for the Rumble Ponies.
This was staged! Not one person pointed out and said “You’re the one that crapped on The Sandlot, fuck off”
So what you’re saying is that North Carolina’s best students are not their college basketball players?