You Sir, cured my insomnia. How shall I be able to thank you?
You Sir, cured my insomnia. How shall I be able to thank you?
We’re told Timmons had spoken with his baby mama who lives there and had told her he missed the baby and wanted to visit. He was serious about visiting her.
That being said, 14 more losses to go.
The Giants remember Will Clark’s black friends.
The 1980 Jets prevented the New Orleans Saints from going 0-16 that season. Everything about that team should be silent.
+1 Lee Majors
He might get whiny after that first pick-six. He has to hustle right back on to the field without a break.
Counterpoint: Black Tea brewed in a Mr. Coffee and put in the fridge overnight is the shit!
“I thought I still get final call on signs at the ballpark, but I do appreciate the enthusiasm!” - Ghost of Tom Yawkey
That’s nothing! The Jets spent $147 million for their tank!!!
It’s far too early to crown the kid a future Tigress Woods. But the winning binge supports the critiques of golf experts who the father has contracted to improve his daughter’s game.
Teen Idles: Trans Am featuring Pre-Minor Threat Ian MacKaye.
Backstop-on-Backstop violence? Will Wellington have a beef?
For that at bat, Darwin should get an award!
Andy Warhol? Even back then Eck only wanted to talk about the white guys.
Always Living 100 Proof and passed out before the game, all my rowdy friends are here for Monday night!”
Chuck Pagano’s comments are so maddening that they make you want to pull his hair out.
7. Jumbo?