Handsome Dick Manitoba

How Gretzky-like

If history repeats itself, the Oilers could become very successful with its young talent and could possibly challenge maybe even win a couple of Stanley Cups maybe even create a new dynasty, then trade all of its talent to the Rangers so that they can win a Stanley Cup within the next 15 years.

Don’t give Tim Tebow any ideas.

I guess for once Bartman not being there helped the Cubs.

Who gets to tell the fans that its not held in Branson?

Jurassic Fail

It is sad that he luged to his death.

I’m just happy it’s not a replay of a 1980's Yugo commercial.

He just pretended the mascot was Russell Westbrook.

7 games with triple overtimes

He remains the Prince Charles of the NHL.

When will the next sunny day in New York occur? June or July?

Oh Yeah! How Macho was that!

You forget the sneakers aren’t meant for kids. They are meant for obnoxious fathers who say stupid shit all the time.

Daron is just happy it is not spelled D’aron

David Ortiz’s number is getting retired on June 23. Will the Red Sox fans go out of their way to show they are not really racist?

Don’t you mean “Kanat Builda Wall”?......I’ll show myself out.

Safe to say the driver was blindsided by the attack.

An assinine idea.