
> The climate models that have been laid out by the “consensus” have been hilariously wrong. 97 of 99 predicative models have overstayed the degree to which the earth will warm

Because this is America in 2017. We lent the airlines billions of dollars to help them stay in business after September 11th, most of which has never been paid back, and this is how they treat paying customers now.

I would totally have drinks with you, Albert. I don’t know why Magary gets his name on the banner when you don’t.

I wanted to get a political/current events magazine for a long time, and over the last eighteen months or so I’ve gone back and forth between The Atlantic and Harper’s. I’m not an elitist or a snooty Ivy league type, I was simply raised with magazines around the house and like a tactile thing to sit and chill with in

Throw it at dark shadows, for being a little bitch.

He does realize What We Do in the Shadows was just a movie right? Not an actual documentary?

Jezebel is the fucking definition of predictable.

You guys are nothing if not predictable.

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

While I understand there are valid critiques of the Women’s March, and they have been discussed elsewhere including other Jezebel articles, this here piece just kinda stinks of “gotta pick apart something!” I think part of the strength of the right is that they rarely eat each other the way we do on the left. No one

Actually, HamNo is good.

Except that hill on Johnson tho.

Can someone tell me something good Tim Cook has done?

HI there! I am the main author on this paper - thanks for the nice article! I would just say the stalks on which these octopods are laying their eggs is not itself rich in manganese and metals, rather it is attached to these metal rich lumps of rock on the seafloor. If the rocks are removed, the octopods will not be

Keep scrolling and you’ll find the direct quote from Hitler in 1940...

What the hell is this tech shit doing on Gizmodo?

Now, now, I realize everybody’s shits all emotional right now...

Even accepting that premise (Which, for the record, I vehemently don’t)...

This is the stupidest article ever. The only point you made to actually get rid of the jack is to save space. But, it fit just fine on the last iphone of the same dimensions, and every other phone on the planet. Its not like they replaced it with a second lightning port, which would actually be useful to charge and

You gotta be shitting me. You cannot be this ignorant.