
Wait, your four-year-old MBP is on its “last legs?” What kind of work are you doing?

Perhaps they can pray about it, lol

Never understood the hate for the RX. If anything, the only complaint should be that the original car was so good that it created an entirely new segment of crossovers that wagon-hopping Jalops hate.

Literally, the only reason people buy these damn things is to a) impress someone with a badge; b) to project an ‘active’ lifestyle; and c) to impress someone with a badge. I wouldn’t take one if it were given to me – much less buy one for $35k used – and I honestly can’t say that for a lot of cars.

“every single engineer has to take a broad selection of GE course in literature, philosophy, history, and writing, while you never met a single english major in a statics or aerodynamics class”

Tavs, I don’t really care for horses either, but with the right rant you can say the equivalent about ANYTHING that is more risky than eating Saltines in a chair for 28 years. C’mon.

worms are not bugs unsubscribe

2 points

That has to be the stupidest form of logic to counter the climate change argument. Will the Earth survive, sure. The entire planet was an iceball at one point in history. But guess what, humans, with their complex system of social, food delivery and maritime ecologies in place will be screwed.

yeah, because there sure was a whole lot of human civilization and farming happening 400,000 years ago. Climate change is fine, we’ll just do what we were doing back then.

OMG when Walda and the wee baby Bolton ate all those dogs!!! Definitely did not see that coming.

The big Apple Fan within me can’t help but wonder: where’s my goddamn Mac Mini update worthy of the name? :(

I believe the article itself made it clear that the findings of the paper are not confirmed, but that the scientific community is giving them serious consideration. Given that the article acknowledges this ambiguity, I’d say that they aren’t actually being all that sensationalistic. Well, maybe a little, but not much.

So, you’re now going to argue that those peers who reviewed his work (who are obviously experts in their field) are lying as well?

A) stop reading Gawker if you’re this weirdly upset about things

The Problem I have with Nuclear Energy is what to do with the waste!? Something with a 1/2 life of 150000 years still can kill you, are you kidding me. First figure out how to neutralize the waste then put all the plants you want out to produce all the energy we need. Besides we still have Nuclear waste in containers

Have you considered the idea that experts in this field might, after considering their various options, have legit reasons not to just use nuclear power plants for everything? Maybe reasons that Random Internet People may not arrive at?

Your opinion is a stupid and un-informed one, but since it’s a popular one with stupid and un-informed STEMlords who infest Giz quite massively, you will be given e-blowjobs to hell and back. Congratulations!

Except that there haven’t been forest fires like this in Tasmania in 1500 years...

Except it’s not natural. This would not be happening now if it wasn’t for us. We created the conditions for this.