
That is addressed in the article.

Hmm, interesting, I disagree with one of their conclusions. I’m open to the possibility that this might be an indication of me being stupid but let me argue my case and the good people here can correct me if I’ve missed something obvious.

I can’t believe that, in early voting, Wellness is beating Capitalism, considering that Wellness is Capitalism, just the even worse kind of capitalism where it’s explicitly trying to sell you bullshit by making you feel really awful about yourself. At least regular capitalism occasionally produces really cool sandwich

Have you used the Sony Digital Paper DPT‑RP1? I really want an e-ink tablet for note taking and task lists. I was wondering how they compared. They are both astronomically priced though. Hopefully my work can do me a solid and just get one for me.  

do you fly?

The interesting part to this is where the OP either has to acknowledge that you just received way more stars than they did, and has to do some soul searching with regards to their initial point, or they have to completely abandon it and admit that they ignore what everybody says as well.

dude, take your jaded, retread opinions back to whichever centrist pundit you absorbed them from and tell the guy you want your brainspace back. i could not possibly care less if you think the comparison is flawed.

Hey look, it’s Mr. Equivocation! Hi there!

Good God you’re a moron. Educate yourself about the actual impacts of global warming on the natural biodiversity of the planet and the enormous projected loss of human life due to climate-related disease and war caused by a global refugee crisis, and then try again.

The climate is a complex system influenced by multiple variables - greenhouse gasses (including man-made) being one of them. There is no average or right temperature for the earth. It fluctuates between way too cold and a bit too warm for our liking over cycles lasting various periods. For all you know, pumping a ton

This is an oddly rose-colored take on the issue. Yes, hypothetically thawing tundras could be used for agriculture, but those same tundras are currently sequestering tremendous amounts of greenhouse gases that would be released into the atmosphere once the ground thaws, exacerbating the process. And yes, it will get

You haven’t thought this through.

If you loathe the 0.01%, the too big to fail banks, wall street, and the rest of that circle and the wealth inequality and more that central banking backing up fractional reserve banking drives then you should be on Andrew Jackson’s side. 

It doesn’t look offensive on the left, but it covers up the red radio button to close a window.

I saw the headline and I was like hey I bet a Gizmodo commenter will make a bad comment and then Texas101 had already written a bad comment and I was like lol.

Of course, what Mackey really said was that he wanted to import some of Amazon’s customer focus. He said nothing about its employee culture.

ghost saw ur dick

Just not even logical.

My strategy, as an amply-heighted individual, is to get in and wedge my knees behind the seat (because they’re going to be wedged somewhere). When the person in front tries to recline the seat won’t move because there’s not sufficient space. Usually they try once or twice and then give up.

Nothing wrong with pointing out misguided self-aggrandizement when you see it.