
I’m sitting at CL 2627 - I’ve spent around $40 total on the game since launch, because I’ve certainly got more than a AAA full price title’s worth of game time out of it. I don’t intend to spend anymore, because as fun as the game is, the progression from Series 3 onwards is just awful.

I have played every season since

I’m having better luck with MODOK + the vampires + lockjaw with the rest of the standard discard engine. Feels more consistent than Hela but still struggles a little bit against stuff like Patriot Surfer’s ability to build up three strong columns.

If you can get a Colleen Wing discard on Swarm, draw Modok and Apocalypse by turn 5 it’s usually enough to win right there. Keep your swarm dupes until you drop Modok, get 12 free power on the board next turn.

I really wanted to enjoy Inquisition but the story is gated behind a bloated world full of bland, uninspired combat. If they want to try to make the next one play like one of the most engaging, satisfying 3rd person action titles in recent memory, I’m not complaining.

In my college days I was rideshare driver and on one occasion had to pick up some C suite folks from the Paul Hastings building - they carried on their conversation in the back seat as if I wasn’t there. They were as reprehensible as I imagine Kotick and anyone in his orbit to be, making vulgar comments about people

you are not and never will be institutionally marginalized, threatened, or oppressed on the basis of heterosexual orientation

There are chains whose entire business model relies on intentionally understaffing.

Someone should probably talk about how these shithead retail stores intentionally understaff their storefronts knowing full well it dramatically increases the chance of theft and makes employees less safe, but they get to save on payroll and benefits, collect an insurance claim, AND shriek at their local Chamber

Okay, so if someone can afford to spend more money than most people make in a year on bonus features to weaponize their monument to vehicular manslaughter, we’re allowed to laugh at them online until the end of time. 

Okay, now, in addition to all that: why is it mine-resistant and weaponized

The thing you have to keep in mind is there are a not-insignificant number of Americans who genuinely believe they are presently or soon will be at risk of attack ranging in scope from drug-addled knife wielder to roadside IED to Chengdu J-20 multirole stealth fighter and no evidence in any form you can provide will

That’s been a thing since pretty much the beginning.

Ubisoft’s narrative or art teams almost certainly have a an Isu language-bible for new teams that have to interact with that component of any given project and it’s entirely understandable that the artist would be frustrated if they weren’t provided with it.

Try updating your gamepass client in the separate Microsoft store app, or downloading the game directly from there. Microsoft, struggling and under-resourced indie company that they are, has never been able to iron out the many bugs in the game pass client.

I work in a field that is already being aggressively targeted by generative AI models like ChatGPT and it’s worrying. I am not looking forward to a future where all corporate or organizational comms are churned out by an AI, but I also want my team to be prepared and have been struggling with it. I’ve been trying to

It’s gonna be weird if that’s actually what they’re trying to do when the recipe for a decent multiplayer Far Cry would be to just expand the cap from 2 players to 4, allow for shared progression (it’s wild that even the latest FC releases require a co op partner to quit, return to their own game, and complete

It sounds like because they’re unable to find Destiny levels of looter-shooter success with Division 2 or Breakpoint (lol) they’re going to try it with the Far Cry IP.

There is the skeleton of a great title in there - the game is visually stunning, the soundtrack is incredible, and the moment-to-moment gameplay of fighting through Hive Tertium is beautifully executed. But the areas where they’ve regressed are, at least for me, doubly frustrating because they somehow unlearned every

Respectfully, it would take less than 10 minutes to do some research about the state of the game or the ongoing concerns players have, including but not limited to:
- Advertised content (number of weapons, for example) is missing from the game

Uh, no. Maybe at some jobs I’ve had, but I work in an office now full of talented, dedicated people who bust their asses every day and consistently hit targets and generate verifiable growth. (Coincidentally, it is also a place which regularly prioritizes the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of employees.)