
Affinity, from Serif, remains one low-cost purchase for a perpetual license. I’ve used it for the better part of the last decade after refusing to play Adobe’s game and I love it.

With that said, Serif also said they wouldn’t touch AI and had no plans to sell, but were just acquired by Canva. Canva claims the perpetual

the main imaginary friend in a movie about creating a home for imaginary friends is given the same name as the main imaginary friend in a cartoon about creating a home for imaginary friends

would you understand the issue if I decided to make a movie about a guy that fights crime in a costume, and named the protagonist

I was furiously googling the first time I saw this trailer to figure out if it was a poorly-named live action adaptation of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends or what. Hollywood is shameless about theft but this is pretty ridiculous.

any money out of a state budget for this shit is money diverted from something else, so it does impact renewables quite a bit.

I haven’t heard a word about Apple picking up the Expanse. I feel like I read something about Alcon wanting to be able to shop it around a while ago but nothing since then. There’s Neuromancer though.

I felt the opposite - like the first few seasons spent more time on trying to spin a story about “what if my spouse is cheating on me” and “WHAT IF MY SPOUSE IS CHEATING ON ME IN SPACE”. 

there is no jurisdiction in the United States capable of building enough new nuclear power fast enough to matter. There are a hundred and one reasons, and interests on both sides of the green line that are happy to weaponize public sentiment against any nuclear development. Even best case projections for macroscale

are private nuclear projects in the US doing much better? NuScale was pretty spot on what we could benefit from in terms of concept and the funders all fled.

Get the Navy in on it, honestly. Obviously there is a gulf of difference between operating a commercial nuclear facility and shipbound reactor but the US Navy operates more nuclear reactors (and more safely) than any organization in the world. There is a model there for safe institutional knowledge and training to

I think they did a masterful job building up that tension and horror. I had a pit in my stomach from pretty much the first scenes on Judgement Day in an earlier episode, knowing what’s coming.

The show obviously makes some big departures from the novel, but I’ve been really impressed with how (at least in my opinion) they have stuck the landing with all the big key moments I remember from the book, such as the Judgement Day scene, the whole Stars Our Destination bit, the UN Wallfacer stuff. Really hoping

this strikes me more as something that someone came up with while goofing off internally and somehow they decided to push it live

Broken feels too polite for what they put out on launch day (or earlier, for those who paid extra). The game was not in almost any sense of the word playable. Assuming you could even connect to the game (this was not really possible reliably the first 2-3 weeks it was out), you might be able to complete the tutorial

what? “Which studio is making this game” is like a baseline piece of information to publicize and if your publisher’s press team is incapable of coordination less complex than a highschool group project, why the hell do they exist to begin with?

Nah, I think the current implementation is better. I could see the current system presenting challenges for matchmaking later in the game’s life when it has a less robust playerbase, but I like the freedom to play the missions I want at the difficulty I want in the environment I want. Until they add more variable

it feels like recent updates have increased the frequency of crashes - server issues are largely resolved but my group gets regular crashing issues where one person “times out”, causing another person to crash, and then someone rejoins the lobby, causing the host to crash. It’s not unplayable but it’s frustrating.

The laser sickle looks neat. I hope it holds up better than the scythe, which is like shooting your enemies with a super soaker.

I think I see it - there’s certainly Giger but also this sort of soft-cornered industrial aesthetic. It conveys a vast edifice of hydraulic empire in a way pure Giger does not.

I’d heard he was a bit of an asshole but this is a huge bummer. I think he is one of the most talented composers in my lifetime, and the fact that he chooses to live in a way that embraces an ethic of fear and hatred breaks my heart.

This is not correct. There are only 1 or 2 light armor sets which feature the stealth passive ability. As it stands, using anything but light armor penalizes your stamina while not offering any more protection.