
The need and deserve unions, but the biggest issues with the actual product they released seem attributable to the same specter that has struck nearly ever major title to release in the last 3 years: incompetent management suffering from decision paralysis, constantly moving goalposts, and a refusal to defer to the

This is depressing, but not the least bit surprising. Halo: Infinite is so close to being the lightning-in-a-bottle revival the franchise needed and yet for every step forward it takes, there are a dozen steps backward that are so painfully obviously the result of incompetent management and business department hacks

I think Shang Chi is probably losing a lot because it’s close to useless against most variations on Sera or Patriot.

They’re predictable, sort of. Depending on their draw and play order, a good movement deck can leave you guessing which columns they’re committing to until it’s too late. Plus the expectation that you’re going to always drop a turn 6 Heimdall leads a lot of people to commit to the wrong lanes in anticipation of that. 

I mean, it was a shot of a forest. A forest is composed of trees. I don’t know what else I am supposed to look at when the shot on the screen is a forest. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if a handful of the trees didn’t vanish and reappear in different locations multiple times.

Hunt does a great job with its combat loop, balancing out the quick time-to-kill with the fact that the weapons are often inaccurate, kick like bulls, and take a long time to reload etc. It really drives up the tension in firefights.

It’s funny in some ways to see how the extraction shooter genre starts to stand on its own legs. It sort of feels like going back to the basics of DayZ, which I think arguably walked so the battle-royale craze could run.

It’s odd to me that he rewrote the sequel due to COVID when the first one hits those notes so absolutely. I got really into Death Stranding right about the beginning of the pandemic, and it felt almost prescient in the themes it grappled with.

I assume they were trying to set up Eredin as the Wild Hunt guy but it’s such a weird departure from pre-established lore for the character. I don’t recall off the top of my head if Eredin was originally from the world the Witcher is set in, but the Wild Hunt are the vanguard of a whole civilization of elves from

Less embarrassing than the panning shots of the forest where they added extra trees with CGI, but not in every frame, so they blink in and out of existence and reappear in different spots.

I gave it a chance - I watched the whole thing. It was bad. I was really excited based on the early synopsis of the plot but it is real bad.

I watched this all last night and it was just not very good. In addition to the god awful pacing... nearly every line of dialog before the final episode is just characters stating what they are currently doing, or what they are going to do.

There are really bad CGI fuck ups, like a landscape shot where trees vanish and

Sure, but with the exception of Triumph Day on Thracian Primaris, and maybe the assault on the weird non-euclidean xenos planet-dimension, the Inquisition trilogy stories largely omit those usual hallmarks of 40k.

I think Apple TV’s Foundation show proved you can do 40k-esque scifi on a streaming TV budget. Regardless of what folks thought of the show’s faithfulness to the novel, the entire Genetic Emperor arc, sets, CGI etc were the first time a show convinced me the grandeur and scale of 40k can be pulled off on screen.

If I’m a studio exec and someone presents me with at treatment for Gaunt’s Ghosts and a treatment for Eisenhorn, I go with Eisenhorn every time. It’s cheaper to produce, it has more diverse casting opportunities, it allows for a broader array of stories to appeal to a wider audience, and it provides more immediately

Plus we know Abnett was present at meetings shopping for a funder and distributor for an Eisenhorn show at some point in the last 2 years. I think it is almost certainly going to be some iteration of this project. Amazon has to be shopping for a new scifi addition to their catalog after the conclusion of the Expanse,

I knocked out the raid tonight in about 2.5 hours with some buddies, on the first difficulty. It was a surprisingly good time. I think we could probably get it down to 20-30 minutes with repeat clears and practice, but I was not expecting Call of Duty to have me pulling out a pen and paper for a raid, or the amount of

I really enjoyed Days Gone for what it was - a marginally above average open world zombie game. It even had some moments where it was a great game. Especially early on, when every encounter with a horde is a pants-shitter moment, every shootout is life or death, and every bullet a careful value-assessment about if

It also seems like with certain mods or tunes, you can shoulder the weapon from sprint faster than you can from a normal walk (due to stacking sprint-to-fire speed).

I fully recognize the potential negative impacts of this sort of tech, and am alarmed about it, but I think even in a hypothetical where Congress isn’t half a century behind on tech legislation, there are first amendment issues that limit how far they could take any regulation.