
It would be incorrect to label the pro-Recall movement as an ideological monolith - it was made up of a weird aggregate of Trump diehards, bog standard California Republicans, people mad about the gas tax or Assembly Bill 5, and yes, antivaxxers.

I think if your kids are capable of separating fiction from reality and have a healthy understanding of the fact that Darth Vader is the bad guy, it’s just Halloween as normal. Before Darth Vader we dressed up as ghosts and Draculas and Frankensteins. It’s a celebration of what we fear, to some extent. We don’t look

From the city of Los Angeles’ final 2016 IFR for the LA River Ecosystem Restoration Project:

“Presence of Sites Contaminated with Hazardous Substances. Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) is present or suspected to be present in parcels key to the Project. Because the USACE policy is to avoid HTRW

My source is that I worked on the LA River revitalization project on behalf of the state for two years and am intimately familiar with the issues surrounding it as a result of many hours of stakeholder briefing, site inspection, commission reports, etc. Your selective interpretation of my original post doesn’t negate

ACOE laid concrete to mitigate flooding but contemporary watershed reclamation proposals maintain the concrete layer along northern parcels of the river to mitigate groundwater contamination. The ground contamination is a result of how they disposed of the sodium cooling elements from the reactor - they stuck the

Fuck Putin, my dude, I’m just pointing out that we have our own radiological disaster we don’t talk about. Knowing that, it’s entirely believable that Russians aren’t taught what happened in Chernobyl.

From 1957 to 1964, the Santa Susanna Field Laboratory in northern Los Angeles operated an experimental nuclear reactor

One of the worst radiological disasters in American history occurred in the Santa Susanna mountains in Los Angeles County in 1959 with the partial meltdown of the reactor at the Rocketdyne facility there, which was promptly covered up for decades.

It isn’t taught in any schools and almost nobody in California is aware

Reading the article appears to be a challenge for a bunch of folks so: Nakamura said he was mistakenly under the impression that Disrespect was no longer banned from the platform.

I don’t know where in California you live (perhaps a Tesla dealership, or charging station) but that’s simply not true and easily verifiably not remotely the case.

I’d argue that the current look borrows more significantly from Jackson’s depiction of Minas Morgul (particularly the lambent green glow on the pale stone) more than the older hive architecture borrowed from Mordor in general. One is the realm of the Witch King, and one is the realm of the Witch Queen.

This is the thing that makes me most sad about Destiny. My friends and I can reminisce about the best parts of Halo, and then go play it!

But when I introduce someone new to Destiny, and they ask about the best campaign content, I can tell them about the incredibly cool attack on the tower, or the final battle against

Yeah, they really need to stop calling them expansions. It’s not an expansion if the game isn’t expanding. I was playing with a new player recently and I realized that new players have absolutely no context for huge amounts of the content they will play through. You hop into a strike and an AI named Failsafe makes

The narrative arc that begin with Destiny 1 will presumably conclude with the Final Shape expansion in a few years, at which point they’ll move on to another narrative for the franchise.

The art design is absolutely fantastic, but someone should probably point out that they aren’t breaking new ground.

He is not just a political roadblock in the United States - He is arguably high on the list of people whose decisions will be directly and explicitly responsible for mass death and damage on an unprecedented scale due to catastrophic climate change. As far as individual human beings go, he will be party to one of the

I haven’t been able to put this down since picking it up a few days ago. Some buddies were hesitant because they’d never heard of it and all they saw was “Asian-market F2P MMO”.

They’re all just about to max level now and hyped for end game. This game scratches an itch nothing else does. It is Diablo or POE with the

If it’s anything like the first one, just play a few hours into the game and it will become a negligible concern.

He’s pledged to do lots of things he has no intention of following through on. Just completely infuriating. If he wants to help cancer patients, how about unfucking healthcare costs by at least trying to do a national single payer system.

In Dying Light, the god awful durability mechanics mean that in the early game your weapons will break every couple minutes. They can be repaired a limited number of times before they are permanently destroyed, along with any rare mods you’ve slotted into them.

I gets marginally better late game, but then the number of

The fact that two nuclear powers are very close to a shooting war over natural gas seems to suggest the power of the people killing the planet so they can drill and sell more fossil carbon has not diminished at all.