
I have bad news for you if you think Microsoft is particularly concerned about if people think they are anti-union or not.

Oh you can, there’s a datamined store bundle that includes it. It’s a fucking scam.

I don’t think they’re sure of the outcome, but there’s no doubt they have some very overpaid consultants who are telling them this is the correct way to try to kill it.

Yeah, and with all the data we have now, there are so many elaborate ways to very precisely pinpoint very specific demographics with secondary qualifiers. If I want to specifically target every person in a given city who is interested in climate change, I can go find that city’s public policy polling, figure out who

Speaking as someone who has managed political ad targeting, it really really really does not matter if they prohibit ad buyers from specifically targeting recipients based on political affiliation. If you provide any sufficiently broad set of tags to make your platform useful at all to advertisers, they will target

I ended up in an online D&D game run by a former SWAT officer and he was fine at first, talking about how he got out after seeing too many slimy cops.

It was three games in that he decided to go on a long tangent about why he thinks one must assume everyone is planning to shoot him and react accordingly.

This shit just

It presently takes a TON of time and a significant amount of luck to level up and unlock challenge-specific rewards in the game’s progression system. To some extent this has always been the case in Battlefield but its even grindier in 2042. DICE also usually sells microtransaction bundles that allow you to skip the

The stuff in the leak looked like it might find a middle ground - if the plot stuff is legit it sounds like they’re going back to the far future settings but the mechs didn’t look quite as big.

As a big Chromehounds fan I adored AC:V’s multiplayer and played it somewhat seriously with a group I met online. Was bummed it died so quickly after they refused to issue the balance patches from the JP servers to the North American servers. I missed out on the earlier AC games but I’ve been salivating for a new one

I’ve been enjoying it with some buddies. I’d like to see some more elaborate mission types that take better advantage of the very cinematic settings Ubi has. My biggest issues is that unlocking the subsequent zones after New York (SF, Alaska, etc) never really feels meaningful beyond the introduction of new modifiers

In high school, I participated in a regional architecture competition every semester as part of an elective. We would receive a set of design parameters at the beginning of the semester, and have several months to complete a house blueprint based on the requested specs on a pre-designated lot.

Most students worked very

A lot of people paid full value for the game when they assumed their $60 was buying them a traditional Halo experience, not a single player campaign that wouldn’t launch with co-op. I promise you that at some point in development, before the extra year of dev time, the legacy cosmetics (or some of the new ones) were

It’s obviously not a 1:1 translation but it’s plain that skills developed in a sim or developed on a track can translate to the other medium. I feel like the natural conclusion here will be real races with unmanned vehicles crewed by remote drivers, many decades down the line.

That’s faulty logic. People are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for insulin, but that doesn’t mean insulin isn’t overpriced. That comparison does not really apply to a cosmetic item in a video game and people should probably chill, but the folks acting like it’s totally cool that MS gutted the traditional cosmetic

I’m not a big car guy and in adulthood I’ve never really been into racing games beyond Forza and Wreckfest but I think it is incredibly cool the way technology has allowed gamers and actual racers to compete against one another. I’ve been following the nascent drone racing scene for a little bit and we can see the

Outside of something like CTF where you need to stop a flag runner from getting away in a hog or goose, I just don’t ever feel like it’s worth it to lose the power of the magnum for a disruptor. There are a dozen other ways to deal with a hostile vehicle that don’t involve a disruptor. It works, but it doesn’t do

I feel like the Disrupter is almost a good gun. I can get kills with it, especially in team fights where the people often overlook the chain damage. But it doesn’t feel like it can hold its own and I can rarely if ever think of an occasion where I go “Damn, I wish I had a Disruptor instead of this magnum or mangler.”

Yeah, but you can mag dump someone with it and if they’re doing even the slightest to evade, even without cover, you will lose that duel nine times out of ten.

Maybe we could see some buffs to other weapons instead. If a map spawns a pulse carbine, a plasma pistol, a disruptor, a needler, or a ravager you can bet your ass it will always be there because absolutely nobody will touch them.

One thing I imagine might factor into their stupid decision-making here is the cost of developing new content for RDO. I don’t know how hard it is for them to port the rest of their missing single player systems to the RDO environment but just art assets alone are dramatically higher quality than GTAV. There are