
Don’t forget the outright deception in their marketing prior to release, in which they stated explicitly there would be unlockable armor.

If you purchase the $60 halo infinite you do not receive access to a single piece of cosmetic armor for your purchase - a first for any Halo title. There is not a single piece of

Not affiliated with Earth Justice - “EJ” is colloquially used to refer to a broad spectrum of environmental justice work. That’s on me for not being more specific.

you press a button and look the direction you want to fling yourself

I do EJ work and it is the consensus of most legal counsel among our coalition partners that there was no legal compulsion to carry out the sale. More broadly, other interpretations indicate that if such compulsion existed, the Biden administration could have stalled for time, which is a vital and beneficial tactic

Yes, that is quite literally what the article says? There was no legal compulsion to carry out the auction. We’re going to lose 90% of our species diversity, entire ecosystems are going to collapse, huge portions of the planet currently occupied by humans will be rendered uninhabitable for all or some parts of the

It might because it’s still relatively fresh in my mind but I can pretty vividly see the first squid monkey ziggurat room in my mind. It looks like it was designed to be used as a firefight arena down the line, as do a number of other spaces in the campaign.

The opening sequence on the Banished ship had big Titanfall 2

In a world with any sense of self-preservation left, this would be a scandal on par with any of the worst things the Presidency has done. On paper, it is. The human and financial cost of this single tremendous fuck up by an admin hellbent on denying the reality of climate change is going to be immense.

There remains, as always, a sizable population of Halo fans and the company behind it has what we call “fuck you money”.

See again: Eternal Empire arc. It’s in a whole other galaxy if I’m not mistaken. The Sith Emperor (the amorphous being of force power ostensibly dispatched by Revan) realizes his dream of utopia is a failed experiment and decides he might as well just start over with some other humans somewhere else. It’s neat.

The closest thing we get to an Imperium that genuinely tries to be better is the Angels Resplendent on Malpertuis, but in true 40k fashion, even their attempt to imagine the Imperium as it should have been ends in tragedy. Check out The Reverie if you’re interested in it.

SWTOR is still chugging along. They’re not doing the Eternal Empire narrative anymore but that’s all still there and playable and it’s arguably the most original official take on Star Wars we’ve ever got out of a game.

Talk about a nice surprise. Space Marine was a genuinely great game that knew exactly how to lean into the setting with gameplay mechanics that reinforced what the space marines are. Remember this is a game that came out at peak Gears of War chest-high-wall-cover-shoot-mania. For a AAA shooter release to eschew that

They’re fascists lol

I enjoyed the first two missions. You don’t know what’s going on because the Chief doesn’t know what’s going on. The pilot doesn’t get a name because the Chief is fundamentally broken and incapable of thinking about most people beyond the scope of what they mean to his ability to accomplish his perceived mission.


A few conspiracy-minded users floated that idea that the CIA uses bitcoin or other digital currencies to fund black projects.

patricia read the names and flavor text, these items are literal warcrimes references lol

Their contract under Activision granted permission for a small portion of the team to work on a project dubbed “|\/|ARATHON” but I don’t think anything from that ever saw the light of day. It’s a shame - I was really hoping for a remaster at a minimum.

I always interpreted the unique styling of the name, particularly

I think that to get the good will of Microsoft’s business department when they scored an extra year of development time, the business ghouls took their pound of flesh in the form of the absurdly stingy MTX shop.

This sucks. I know they probably think it’s fine since Destiny gets away with it but it sucks in Destiny too. No level will ever again attain the iconic status of Attack on the Control Room or other iconic FPS missions as long as this is the trend, because people have to jump through hoops to replay them. 

Yeah, but it doesn’t really add to my experience to spend a few extra hours setting up repair towers and making sure there are no critical wiring links exposed. It’d be nice if they added an option to disable or reduce weather damage to wires for those of use who’d prefer it.