
Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that was a reference to you. 

As younger generations adopt and develop new or unfamiliar cultural practices, older and more conservative people are always going to be upset and in Japan, more so. I think it’s fair to dislike the newer cultural practices associated with Halloween in Japan but chalking it up to some sort of malignant western

I had a teacher in high school who, on the first day of class, told us that his final ‘fuck you’ to the government would be to have his body dumped a mile offshore from a popular beach so it would wash up and scare people.

I remember playing on the Chinese servers back in high school with a group of other experienced Singularity players. It was sort of fascinating. The metagame on the Chinese servers and the tactics for combat on large and small scale hadn’t developed at all. People would fly super valuable cargo through low/null like

Are you really gonna defend government death squads? Reaaaaaaaaaally?

He’s consistently milquetoast. He’ll sign a 100% renewable energy bill and a net neutrality bill and then veto something like this. One can hope Newsom will be better and that all his progressive rhetoric isn’t just campaign bluster.

Governor Brown also veto’d four important bills for women’s rights and sexual harassment/assault victims, including a bill to expand abortion access to low-income college students, a bill to protect victims from forced arbitration agreements, a bill to allow more time for victims to file charges, and a bill to require

Candidates like Graham have been losing in Florida for decades. Why would it work this time?

2016 should have been a standing rebuke of the notion that the best way to win in red seats is to run to the middle or right. It didn’t work and it hasn’t worked. Republicans aren’t going to suddenly vote for a conservative

You can do really stupid stuff to disrupt a team with that grapple. People seem to underestimate how much damage you deal when you start swinging around a pillar or a cart.

CA passed the DISCLOSE Act last year which requires ads for or against ballot measures to display the top three true funders on the advertisement in large, visible letters. This should cut back to some extent on the deceptive ballot measure advertising. ie. Prop 21 ads paid for by Californians Against Higher Taxes

There have already been reported sexual assaults and at least one suicide.

We live in a dark fucking timeline.

Recently started playing MTG Arena. It’s really nice to have a polished, full featured Magic game with good matchmaking and a free-to-play model that feels more generous than most modern internet card games...

But god damn, the current sets in Arena are just not fun. The meta feels extremely narrow and Rivals of Ixalan

I don’t remember the number off the top of my head but it was something like 22 or 26. It was a weird number. Assuming Cayde can be rebooted, he has plenty of lives left.

I’d definitely be bummed to see Space Nathan go. He’s the life of the party and it would lead to a weird narrative disconnect when you jump into Arms

A backup of Cayde’s consciousness could feasibly be loaded into a new exo body. The question is whether such a backup exists. I would assume that’s the case, since Warmind goes in depth on exo science and how the number next to their name indicates how many times they’ve been rebooted, so to speak.

FWC seems pretty reasonable.

If you want the party to be tolerable, mention the dude you use in the image! Party delegates rejected Feinstein in California by overwhelmingly supporting Kevin De León at the California convention this year and he’s moving on to face her in the November election. Labor unions and grassroots across the state have

I don’t imagine investors care about the IP as long as it will make money. Marathon was a pioneer title when it came to multiplayer in its day and its not hard to imagine any sequel or reboot having a ‘modern’ multiplayer component, ie. battle royale or, hopefully, something else.

Also, Bungie has enough of a pedigree

What are the chances that this is related to the rumors of a Marathon revival? I seem to recall the contract with Activision allowed a small team to work on a title called “|\/|arathon” or something like that. Unless my brain is playing tricks on me.

Every time they patch the game, it’s a gamble if my performance is going to improve or degrade. It ran better and more consistently in early access than it does now.

Okay, but when are we getting the Master Chief Collection on PC? That’s all anyone wants from this IP. Just do it already.