
Are we going full circle back to DayZ but with objectives?

The articles doesn’t mention it but Kevin de León is challenging Diane Feinstein’s Senate seat. He won a majority of votes from party delegates at the recent state convention and while he didn’t secure the 60% required for endorsement, his ample majority is a clear rejection of Feinstein by California’s grassroots.

In my primary, Emily’s List and the DCCC are both backing a corporate-free bisexual progressive millienial woman. It’s especially interesting since the DCCC parachuted one of her opponent’s into the district last cycle.

I was there on November 20th at the Backwater Bridge, when they were firehosing people in 17 degree weather. I watched one cop shoot a man in the groin with a beanbag round. He cheered and high-fived the cop next to him. I watched a young woman shout, “I love you!” at a line of riot shields before she was knocked off

In my high school, there was an old Quake multiplayer demo that got passed around by flash drive since it had LAN multiplayer. Most teachers didn’t care what you did in a computer class if you got your work done too.

I recently returned (6 years later) to give a presentation in one of those same classrooms only to

He’s a terrible voice for the under-represented and even a passing examination of his voting record or prior policy positions makes that painfully obvious.

You can’t call anyone who doesn’t even support cannabis legalization a voice for the under-represented, given the overwhelming and disproportionate impact the War

He’s opposed voting rights legislation, opposes cannabis legalization, and favors for-profit healthcare solutions. He owns half a million in stock in a company that sells pills for $1000 a pop.

His speech was utterly devoid of any mention of medicare for all, free public college, an end to war in the middle east, an

Deployment of an X-37B or something similar.

I don’t have recent FPPC data on hand but if you hop on the California powersearch site and run his name you can see some 2016 data.

The “Uniting California” initiative here in my state sees Steyer funding Labor Fed organizers in swing districts and engaging in a massive organizing venture via his NextGen America

What this article doesn’t mention is that Steyer has also dumped tens of millions of dollars into organizing and candidates. He spent a fuckton of cash on youth organizing initiatives in Virginia leading up to this last election, and is currently funding a fellowship program in nearly every battleground district in

eat the rich

There are a buttload of non-force users in the pre disney cannon who grab lightsabers and use them, General Grievous being a prominent one.

Man, I voted for Bernie and then 3rd party in the general (because I live in a safe blue state) but even I acknowledge Wikileaks is a heaping shitpile of hypocrisy and collusion. The stated mission of Wikileaks is good and noble but the actions of Julian Assange in conjunction with foreign oligarch interests are

I’m a part-time student and I work in politics and organizing. Most jobs I do are on month to month contracts and depending on a million factors, I never know when I’m going to be employed or not. As many issues as the gig economy has, it provides security. I know I won’t starve and I know I won’t have to negotiate

“ Pair her with a Doc, who can heal people and Zofia could be a strong operator.”

Zofia is an attacker and Doc is a defender, this is never a possible team permutation.

Also, Rainbow Six’s player numbers indicate that plenty of people think it’s been a game worth playing, in spite of issues that have arisen. 

Hope they rebalance civs with this expansion. As it stands, DLC civs are vastly overpowered compared to base-game civs. The ease with which Macedon can steam roll to a domination or science victory is stupid.

I know the guy. Not surprising. He’s the third legislator from San Fernando Valley now in this tidal wave of revelations.

The legislative women’s caucus is doing good work rooting these fuckers out.

I thought they touched on it pretty clearly in Season 2 that the Demogorgon and the Demodogs are just a lifeform from another world/dimension and they’ve been infected by the Mind Flayer.

Was not aware of that, but they ARE included in the p2w deluxe edition. Did preorders also receive the boosted star cards that provide a clearly defined advantage like “larger grenade explosion radius”?

This is literally addressed in the article. There are cabins nearby, and regular tourists. Additionally, the area is inhabited primarily by does and fawns, not bucks. Killing a doe and leaving the fawn means you’re condemning the fawn to death as well, and killing moms and their babies is morally suspect and a PR