
So I’m with all of these, but at the end of the day their defense is going to be that they offered all of the information out in the open and it’s not their fault if people don’t understand how loans work.

can’t go. fraid of clowns

One time in college I ated a monster thickburger from hardees and got diarrhea so bad i missed class. the end

Fuck You, I’m eating.

maybe you should just read the terms before signing the contract? Bitching about student loans is freaking ridiculous, asking for “reparations” is pathetic.

NO defending this guy, however your title is not really applicable to the reality of the control DoE has on the weapons, its more comparable to that of an auto leasing bank has on its cars. The weapons are under the control of the Military, with the fissile material and technology being on loan from the DoE. They

This reminds me of the time I applied to be head aerospace research engineer at Boeing after dropping out of high school.

Of all the picks, this one is the worst.

While I agree with the general thrust of this comment, can we really call how they are behaving “civil?”

lol no you niggas don’t deserve shit your dumb ass wasn’t chained to a cotton gin

Finishing all of your posts with that smiley face really helps make his point about passive agressive smugness.

why do i have the strange feeling that trump delibaretly gave all the cabinet posts to the least capable people he could find?

If this were hockey I’d be impatient for the upcoming fight. When they call out a guy, it means gloves are getting dropped.

Your remarks are untutored and absurd.

Nah, I didn’t scour anything, we have this amazing invention here in America called Google. You type in words and it returns links instantaneously. It’s easier than sending an inquiry via moose or hockey puck or river of maple syrup, but that’s American ingenuity for you!

Only reasons all those dumb people are appointed to these posts is because they are AGAINST those departments in the first place... It doesn’t matter how qualitifed they are. They are nominated solely to destroy and defund them.

The passive-aggressive smugness of Canadians never ceases to amaze me. Here’s your “leader who is more focused on human rights and climate change than he is about making sure corporations are taxed less” approving pipeline expansions and being condemned by environmentalists...

I have read that “Trumpism is effectively the epistemological position that knowledge is reducible to perception”, and I agree.

This is more like Trump’s “Hey, all you smart elitist who didn’t vote for me, here you go! *middle finger*”

California, the West Coast, Texas, the South, have all threatened to leave in the last decade.