Anti-intellectualism is such a sad and potentially destructive trend in our culture.
Anti-intellectualism is such a sad and potentially destructive trend in our culture.
You missed the point.
Not only is this law utterly idiotic*, but it’s actually a Trojan Horse. The part of the law that is getting all the public attention deals with Trans people, but nobody is talking about the rest of the law that makes it illegal to raise minimum wage. The GOP wanted to fuck over the low-wage workers and, to make…
This bill is going exactly as planned. Make a big fuss about the bathroom deal to cover up the bullshit about the blocks on minimum wage and other pay increases in the state. This will blow over, that part of the bill will get repealed but the rest of the dirty shit in there will stay.
Legendary call by Gary Cohen and Ron Darling dying in the background is the icing on the cake.
Yes. I hope my kids APPRECIATE what I did for them later, like, in the way that you do when you grow up and realize that you were kind of a pain in the ass when you were younger, just because recognizing (as an adult) when people have helped you is an important thing generally. But I don’t want them ever, ever to…
Correction: Recruits don’t care if their coach is a dickhead. They want a dickhead who will win and help them succeed. The truth is they don’t want to play for manbabies.
I will only listen if the track list is something like this:
Good ridance, you terrible person. You were absolutely shit as the head of HP. You forced children to take part in your anti-choice propoganda, kids who just happened to be at the same museum you were but there for a field trip that had nothing to do with your farce of a presidential campaign.
Can’t wait to see the comments on social media about how the President can go to Flint but he can’t go to the funerals of every fallen officer/soldier/police dog etc.
Oh, it’s unfair to scrutinize Melanie’s parents but it was totally fine for her asshole husband and his cronies to bring up Obama’s parentage at every (inappropriate) opportunity.
“Supermodels. Ha! Nothing super about them, spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves.
“In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made School Boards.”
For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.
We live in a society where someone can lose their job for saying the proper name of a body part that at least half the population has.
Then Vince needs to take notes, because you’re actually succeeding.
Like Vince pushing Roman Reigns, I will get that gimmick over whatever the fuck it takes.
ESPN starting to shed a bunch of their assholes (Schilling, Tirico, Ditka demoted off Countdown, etc.) is like the WWE suddenly stockpiling awesome independent talent instead of their usual generic meatheads. In both cases, I wasn’t expecting those types of maneuvers, but will not complain.
They’ve changed her wikipedia now, but for a while, it said “Chyna (born Joan Marie Laurer; December 27, 1970 – April 17-20, 2016)“ (emphasis mine) because they didn’t know exactly when she died. She died alone and had been dead for a while when she was found. Heartbreaking. Yes, she deserved better