
Yeah...those poor souls.

You’re basically saying the same thing that I was trying to get at, for the record.

As a historian and an Irishman, I thoroughly approve of this. I mean, yes, there are some famously awful things that the Irish people have gone through over the years (the aforementioned research from the article, Oliver Cromwell, the Irish Famine, etc.), but the important thing to remember is that the Irish were

I agree. After all, Chris Kyle’s father allegedly warned Clint Eastwood that there’d be hell to pay if he mischaracterized his son…

Regardless of the slightly creepy implication (as mentioned by other commentators) that Eva Green has seemingly replaced Helena Bonham Carter as Tim Burton’s “muse,” I still have to say this: Eva Green is a fascinating actress. There’s just something about the way she carries herself that be profoundly unnerving when

So long as Leslie doesn’t get marginalized the way Ernie Hudson was in the original, then this is fine.

Dude, what Harper said is pretty damn spot-on. If you’re a pitcher and you pump your fist after a strikeout or something like that, go ahead! Just don’t get pissy when you give up a home run and the batter flips his bat. It’s all in the game, man.

He looks kind of like a young Pete Postlethwaite. Not a bad thing!

I know this is the kind of cliche phrase that gets tossed around endlessly, but we are truly seeing something special in watching the rise and dominance of Steph Curry.

I dunno, there’s just something about Chrissy Teigen. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about her that’s pretty darned likable. Am I alone in thinking this?

I always kinda liked the Williams sisters growing up, if only for the fact that I thought it was cool that two sisters were kicking ass. Then I got older, and I started to become aware of how racially non-diverse tennis really was. And that sort of made me appreciate the Williams’ even more, and my only gripes were of

When I was younger, I freaking loved Rick Reilly. I loved his story about the Citadel, I loved the way he machete’d Marge Schott simply by letting her open her mouth, and I loved the story about Kenny Wilcoxen, the referee. I read that sort of thing and thought “that’s the kind of story I want to write.”

Dude, Singler has been a confirmed zombie ever since Duke, man.

It’s so fucking stupid and it doesn’t suggest a whole lot of faith in “current” stars…

As if we needed another reason to hate those damn Yankees.

Pfft…you and I know damn well that mere moments after this photo was taken, Cena powered out of the ankle lock, hit Cookie Monster with the Attitude Adjustment for the pinfall, and then smugly ate an entire bag of cookies while internet fans started screaming that CM got buried by LOLCENAWINS.

There has been plenty of writing done on the adverse effects on Scalia’s opinions and legacy, and I don’t want to add anything more to what’s already been said. I just have another request.

Yeah, but Einstein got in some fucking mean lines himself.

Good. Now go back home and fix up Trenton, Christie.

There are only three things that will survive the apocalypse: cockroaches, Keith Richards, and Dean. Fucking. Ambrose.