
I think I said it last week, but I’ll say it again. What makes it funny is that Katie Tiedrich is a genius at figuring out questions that no one stops to think about while playing video games, and then makes something really funny out of that.

Why is the NFL giving more ad time to this group?

It’s utterly amazing. This is the role that he was born to play.

Yeah, but any time you can rip off the long list of criminals from Blazing Saddles, you have to do it.

It’s little different than when the Baseball HOF waited fifteen years to elect Jim Ed Rice, despite the fact that Rice was one of the most terrifying hitters of his era. He was also, shall we say, difficult with the media, and they never let him forget that.

Sheldon Adelson and these other uber-rich jackasses clearly think that they’re modern-day pharaohs, and that their riches will carry over with them into the next life.

It’s like Judge Phelan from the Wire.

I hate Jason Whitlock because he’s a delusional clown at this point, but his takedown of “Myth” Albom from a few years back was tremendously satisfying.

Katie knows that sometimes you don’t need a complicate set-up to a complicated punchline. Sometimes you just need to ask questions that no one has really stopped to think about before.

This is some Disney movie shit right here.

Wow…woooowwwww…Oh my god, this is amazing. For the first and most likely only time in my life, I can definitively say that I am smoother than an NFL quarterback.

I don’t think Wiz is at his heart an irreconcilably bad man…but he is also someone who has made some profoundly stupid decisions. Like the story of why Amber divorced him.

He was so good that he retroactively erased his performance in Fantastic Four. The only 2015 movie that Michael B. Jordan was in was Creed, and he fucking killed it. His rapport with Sylvester Stallone made the latter look like the guy that was nominated for a Best Actor award for the original Rocky for chrissake.

Watching him babble nonsensical “justifications” as to why Ohio wasn’t declared for the Republican vote (as well as Jon Stewart’s gleeful attitude towards it) was priceless. You could see him realizing that he was gonna have to explain to all of the rich backers to his PAC why their massive investment had returned

This is like, literally the worst possible outcome for anyone that was on the side of the “Center for Medical Progress.” It’s like when the Fox News peeps and others were all smugly boasting that Mitt Romney was going to kill Obama in the election, and that this Nate Silver guy was just some liberal nerd who believed

The greatest gif of all time.

I think that Vince always had that sort of antagonism towards fans (consider the “Lex Express” bullshit where he tried to push Lex Luger as a new Hulk Hogan), but he had to temper it because he had stiff competition in WCW and even ECW in pushing him to be at his best. But once the Monday Night Wars ended with his

I feel like George Carlin right now. “It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya.”

Damn it, I should not have been listening to Goo Goo Dolls’ “Iris.” Now I’m crying.

Silly Slay.douche, that sort of thing is something that you hold like a cudgel over your political enemies!