
The house was there before and will be after.

But did you seent it

I’m with you. A lot more lives have been affected by the riots than were affected by the murderous cops. It’s crazy that people had to get their TVs and blue jeans in the name of a murdered man. I hope they are proud of themselves.

Lol had to put the political crap in there didn’t you? Also you gave a lady “side eye” with out even taking into account that she could have multiple kids or nieces and nephews?

I must have missed when art stopped being about creativity and started being all about the money. I assume the next thing Ian Walker will want is to unionize all amateur ice sculptors and jugglers.

You’re on the wrong website. This site is filled with bullies. They’re sad about this but next week there will be an article about a terrible person and they will be talking about how “the white man” should go kill himself.

So people can keep pretending that they “play old games because they are better”

Don’t get killed by bots.

She’s legendary apparently because her husband is.

Y’all aren’t pissed she took her husbands last name. Sexist much🤪🤪🤪

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. That lady was batshiz crazy. I can’t count how many times she made up controversies in gaming chastised the creators for not being sensitive and then basically told them to go kill themselves in the same article. 

Uhhhh it would be cool if she stopped playing dress up and video games and got back to work.

Is it really too much for a grown adult to stop complaining about imaginary stories and maybe realize the game series isn’t their cup of tea. It would save the hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours of disappointment. Go back to persona and animal crossing.

I don’t care if it has female protagonists as long as there aren’t any Shield Maidens.

Sexist much

You keep egging him on. The people that respond to him keep bringing him back to abuse others. Stop implicating yourselves.

Here’s a tip Ethan... turn the game off.

Lottery winner

They told a daffy heavy metal ass story. How do people not see that’s what it was about. It’s heaven vs hell. This game is basically a Garage metal song told through art.

You uhhhh can change the font size....