
I don’t care if it has female protagonists as long as there aren’t any Shield Maidens.

Sexist much

You keep egging him on. The people that respond to him keep bringing him back to abuse others. Stop implicating yourselves.

Here’s a tip Ethan... turn the game off.

Lottery winner

They told a daffy heavy metal ass story. How do people not see that’s what it was about. It’s heaven vs hell. This game is basically a Garage metal song told through art.

You uhhhh can change the font size....

There tons of people that make worse jokes and we just let it slide. All it takes is a person that woke up with a stick up their ass that particular day to ruin someone jokings life. I get a lot of you won’t agree but I’m not looking for advice so keep it to yourself.

Less Californians is a good thing.

Ohhh good half the population will be gone by then so it won’t be as crowded.

People on this site have gotten used to the idea that their typed words mean something. Just like what I’m doing right now to combat homophobia is the same as what they’re doing...... nothing. Except when I do nothing I do nothing and when they try to “theoretically” solve homophobia they are actually not only doing

I agree with him

“Ok you can use Jedi but you can’t use the force or lightsabers.”

Everything about this article feels kinda petty.

People grieve in different ways. 

There is no cheating in war.

Sounds like a foolish thing to do. Donating to millionaires just so they acknowledge you is a little silly. 

It’s all for either rubbing your clit or shoving in you’re vagina, faux-Gina, and Butt.

It’s all for either rubbing your clit or shoving in you’re vagina, faux-Gina, and Butt.

Hey they surprised me with the Witcher so I’m going to give this a try

No just that kotaku writers are the fucking woooooorst.......