
Yep they had to steal don’t blame the thief blame the payroll.

Oh shit!!!!!! Tom you done did it now pardner. 😉

I can’t imagine the ones pissed at Scorsese have ever seen a Scorsese movie. They probably just misquote Taxi Driver.

The Irishman is a movie. A lot of people here think unions mean more money. If you get in serious trouble in a Union here it’s just like what you read about big companies distancing themselves from employees and figureheads.

And the victims accepted

They’re not all getting the same payout??? Would you say that’s discriminatory payout? How would one know who was the most victimized victim in the history of victimized victims victimized at this company? Not a joke.

Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to go to pickets for Union people that are basically garbage cans filled with diapers in a work uniform. 

A lot of unions here are troublesome and cliquish whilst also being useless. You ever miss out on a months pay striking for pay raises that don’t go to you?

Yes we can’t ignore that. When a Union get one reasonable thing they then go for unreasonable or unrealistic things. 

And unions ruin things we love with price hikes.

Don’t is the best tip.

Guy got character back and a shitty legal system made him pay damages to the person that got it for $550.

Go to college for something that’s a real job. You sound like a right winger being pissed off that coal mining and truck driving aren’t exactly jobs of the future.

I think a Pokemon fetishist should be kink shamed. That’s just me though.

I don’t have these issues. I guess I know I’m not very important.

They realized how crappy it is. I can confirm it is pretty terrible at release.

Lol you blaming religion.

I would suggest changing the content. YouTube is essentially television and When a show doesn’t have viewers it’s cancelled. YouTube shouldn’t have to shell out money to people they don’t want to. Unions are great until they aren’t and when they aren’t they are really bad.

It’s a game I don’t see how this is a punishment when they never took anything real from him.

I’ve been thinking of designing a game and letting everyone with an opinion design characters, write the story, do the artwork and choose which gender smoothie the main will be.  I mean if they’re going to have an opinion on what a character should be they should design their own games with their own artistic vision.