I could see it not making a shorter list, but this is a pretty long list to not include The Break with Michelle Wolf.
I could see it not making a shorter list, but this is a pretty long list to not include The Break with Michelle Wolf.
Is there a harsher word for”malevolent?” Cuz that’s what this shit is. Republicans are fucking terrorists.
Did you read the review? “Login” was intentional.
<"heart-eyes, motherfucker" gif>
It’s even the same writer!
I’m not caught up on the newest season, but uh, where can I fill out an application?
It’s Jay-Z with the mumps.
You make an impressive amount of comments on each side of reasonable and unreasonable.
They’re also implying that only salsa fresca is salsa, which is patently false.
So is this a Feature or Newswire?
I hope these infants see this gif later in life and grow up to hate their parents.
That would have made this article entertaining.
Presumably because that would be wasting excellent beer.
Isn’t one “cup” of coffee only supposed to be 6 oz or something? That’s like a little over half of an average mug.
I hear Israel can find some work for this guy.
Wait, what does Brendan do for Onion Inc, and since when?
I wouldn’t say I love lagers more than any other type of beer, but I appreciate a good craft lager of any subtype more than anything else. A local brewery has a 7% “Imperial pilsner” that may just be the most easy-drinking beer of that ABV I’ve ever had.
The best brewery in my city has an ESB on tap, and it’s wonderful. And as others have said, it’s a British thing to call it a “bitter” and it not really describe the taste, at least compared to what we see nowadays.
I’ve had enough Yuengling Lager to last a lifetime, and I don’t care to drink it because the owner’s a real Trump-ball-gobbler, but I will never say no to a Black & Tan.
Intentional or not, “stick a fork in [the socket] and he’s done” is a really great play on words.