Great Boos Up

I’m here, but I’m definitely here less. Trying to try it, though.

New Glarus’ annual Oktoberfest beer, Staghorn, is in stores now, so pretty much that until they stop stocking it.


I’m surprised you feel that way; it’s as if Derry itself is a character in the book and movie.

You can also say “Nazi”! On the Avocado you have to self-censor so you have to do stuff that feels childish like N@zi or Nawtzee.

“I’m not a Nazi, I just try to implicate their enemies in imaginary crimes!”

99% of the time you’d be right to call out that internet hyperbole, but you have hitched your affections to a guy who will attack anybody with red-hot fury at the slightest provocation, and yet when literal Nazis show up, he puts his hands in his pockets and says, “Uh, well, let’s not rush to condemn them. Give it

His legend does loom large, but it’s almost impossible to overstate his influence. I could spend ten minutes laying out all the characters he created and visual vocabulary he pioneered, and at the end I’d still go, “Oh shit, almost forgot: he co-invented the entire genre of romance comics!”

My favorite of her costumes is the black and yellow one introduced in Avengers Forever (which I don’t think I see here), but I am not too proud to admit I’m really fond of the white one with only one leg and one sleeve.

They just did me over in the nuclear war thread!

Well, that’s the thing about Trump, is that he lives up (or down) to the hyperbole. “He’s such an insane narcissist, he’s going to run this country like his old game show!” someone shouts, and you think, “Okay, ha ha, but seriously, let’s focus on the real stuff.” AND THEN HE GOES AND BRAGS ABOUT RATINGS.

Of course not; good lawyers like to get paid.

I perceive that you are not yet tired of winning.


Starring Steve Bannon as Beelzeburp!

My parents got it in their heads to take my kids to a movie this weekend, so they went to see Nut Job 2 (despite not having seen the first one) and I got to stay home and read some old Marvel Transformers comics in the peace and quiet of an empty apartment.

His name was Don Knotts Draper.

Halfway through The Village, I technically figured out the twist. I didn’t think it was the actual movie’s twist, though. It was more like, “Oh, you know, wouldn’t it be interesting if [TWIST]?”

Not permanently. It appears that a non-gray liking a comment un-grays that comment, but the next one is back to gray.

This is the Trump supporter: They wanted an Angry Daddy who tells them they’re good when they do what he wants and yells at them when they do something he doesn’t. This is sick.