Great Boos Up


When I was 17, I had a talking car, and I was really self-conscious about it until Knight Rider taught me that there could be a good side to sentient automobile ownership.

Sailor Jerry and some Oktoberfest my father-in-law left in my fridge but I can’t remember the name of it. (Good, though; malty.)

Speak for yourself!

Isn’t Star Trek an ensemble show? I mean, the captains are considered the leads, because it’s natural that the top position on the ship would get the most air time, but I don’t think, say, Next Generation is “about” Picard.

“they want people who shoot from the hip, say what they mean, and mean what they say”

I admire the restraint, given the current zeal for hyping up franchises and shared cinematic universes, that they seem to have focused on making A good movie, and then they’ll focus on making another.

Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me.

“I Got My Mind Set On You” by George Harrison. The crazy crap on the walls comes to life, what’s not to like for a kid?

I did wonder about that in retrospect. I’m trying to think of any interaction not involving one of the four leads and whether it “needed” to happen. Is anyone else in that scene where Michael and Janet deal with the guy in the sinkhole?

The idea to basically do a Lost or The Prisoner type show but as a sitcom was pretty inspired. The “mystery box” intrigue helps propel the characters and plot forward rather than sort of drifting around doing typical season-one sort of establishing storylines, and the humor helps paper over the things that can be

Tombstone pepperoni pizza for me. That was the frozen pizza my brother and I ate as kids, and it’s still what I’ll get for myself if I’m home alone.

I’ll make some fresh beats for this show in Fruity Loops.

Surely someone who worked on the movie John Carter must have been named John Carter.

To fire Alf now would be twisted

Oh yeah, shit, I meant it the OTHER way. I’ve seen the number of comments on articles and thought, “Time was, that number would have an extra zero at the end.”

It’s a Wisconsin thing. I have no idea how well it stacks up against actual its actual European equivalents, but I think it’s the best out of everything I’ve tried around here.

*roaring with laughter* He’s so stoned, he doesn’t even know he’s Xanderpuss!

Going into this, I thought there was a lot of hyperbole about how bad it was gonna be and tried to keep an open mind, really has decimated (literally in some cases) the commenting community.

I liked it well enough, but like a lot of heavily serialized streaming shows, I think it’s too long for what it’s doing. Stranger Things could have been a wonderful movie.