
Commentator, in crisp English accent: Folks at home may be asking themselves, “How will he finish?” And, well, Depends.

Would you rather they say things like:

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.

He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated. I just can’t wrap my head around this guy. Sometimes he seems racist, sometimes not. I think he’s probably decent

I keep waiting for that Wanda Sykes/Margaret Cho ticket!

As a Georgia O’Keefe fan, I believe all vulvas are God’s creation. Whether they resemble a flower or an anthill.

“as thirsty as a high-maintenance house plant” is my new go-to in bro-jibes.

Mutual bearding.

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Your writing style is absolutely the worst ...

My favorite part is the link to the communist manifesto. Overall truly a remarkable piece that contrasts the quixotic with the pragmatically nihilistic aspects of our modern politic.

“Are you talking about me or Hillary Clinton, pumpkin?” I asked. “I’m sad because my vaginal elasticity is completely shot. I’m sad because fucking is like hitting a baseball into the Grand Canyon.”

What if Gawker just stopped reporting on anything Trump did? Would it possibly increase their value and reputation as a source of information? Hasn’t Trump exceeded any reasonable level of exposure based simply on his pre-existing celebrity? Why do you continue to feed the greatest troll in history Gawker?

I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.

Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t

I second that motion.

You might be ignoring the fact that Hillary Clinton actively undermines her own credibility by constantly seeming disingenuous.

Are you one of those white people who tries to mock internet comments with sarcastic outrage? Nah, probably just a troll.

These ladies should totally respond by posing with the “one-finger” salute instead. Something we can all agree is a non-partisan, apolitical gesture.

That's great and all but why do you think anyone (especially the author) needed to know, or even cares really, about your unwillingness to empathize or understand? Not every thought or feeling you have is important enough that you have to express it, especially when it only serves to compound someone else's trauma. I