Greased Scotsman

Whatever happened to the lame-ass "Generation Y" label? It was just "the generation after the generation after the last well-defined generation, the Baby Boomers". These new Millenial and Xennial labels are at least relatively coherent compared to that.

If Kanye West is the voice of your generation, you're in Generation Ye.

He speaks like a third grader giving a book report on a book he didn't read.

"So what I told you was true, from a certain point of view."
<narrator> "Obi Wan was a liar."

"You killed my uncle!"
"No, I am your uncle."

The sandwich has a QR code grilled into it. You scan that with your Gruber app to earn Grüb Points, which can be traded for a blast from the tomato soup cannon on your next order.

It's funny how the right to free speech is so often willfully misinterpreted as the right to a giant media platform. By that logic, my first amendment rights are being absolutely wrecked by the world's refusal to listen to all my opinions.


It can be two things.

Given how fucked up their concept of geometry is, I wouldn't be surprised if they think 360 degrees means something different than what it actually is.

How about this?

They really need to clarify. Do they mean "best" as in funniest? Providing clearest evidence that he's an asshole? Least likely to drain one's will to live?

I'm 90% sure the large son has a knife in his other hand.


Yeah, he's actually pretty predictable. Even deflecting criticism of Putin by saying that America isn't so innocent.

After implementing this policy, the site is forced to shut down because O'Neal is the only writer not in an infinite loop.

Is the Space Pope reptilian?

Actually, that represents the imminent end of history.

I also thought it helped to make the larger tragedy hit more on an emotional level with the audience, in a weird way. Making you focus on one person gets you to form an attachment in a way that's harder with a large group of people. It's like how people can manage to not sympathize with, or even hate, a group, but

Site name what??? I need to know more about the on-line user-friendly web opportunities!