
Remember Get a Life? That was a ridiculous show.

The Critic.

Alexander Payne is pretty high on my list. Downsizing looks fun.

“Weird Al” Yankovic.

This is pretty much what I do with all my favorite artists anyway so I don’t know that I’d be able to choose just one. Even the things that don’t do objectively well or are even subjectively not my preferences are usually still valuable in what they mean in my favorite artists’ overall body of work.

Before this latest resurgence of Nazi shitheads in America, I would’ve agreed with that sentiment.

I think it’s always good when a political rally of any kind doesn’t end with people getting beat down.

As much fun as it would’ve been to watch a bunch of juggalos in full makeup beat the living shit out of Trumpers, I’m really glad it never came to that. A big riot would’ve undermined the purpose of their march and given the Trumpers cause to bitch about being ‘victimized’ again. And I think it’s pretty safe to say

Here’s what people misunderstand about the Golden Age of Television. What makes it a Golden Age isn’t a handful of “prestige” series that critics gush over. What makes it a Golden Age is that there are hundreds of other shows being produced now, far more than at any point in the medium’s past.

Take that phrase and break it down into its constituent parts. Liberal: liberal is GOOD, liberal keeps societies from killing each other. Liberal is especially good considering the alternative. Academic: Oh, you mean literate and educated? The scandal! Elitist: So you don’t aspire to excellence? What do you aspire to

Bubble is right. We’re all in our own little cultural bubbles now because there is too much out there to follow. I know all the TV show titles mentioned (even if I haven’t yet watched most of them), hear about most of the big movies (but watch only handful) and have close to zero knowledge of popular music, electronic

R.I.P Ass Dan.

If only Ass Dan could be with us to see this...

Grunge and hip hop, in that order. They both exploded when I was in high school and at first I couldn’t stand either one. I was probably just being contrarian. I still prefer 60s-70s music, but at least I got to appreciate the stuff of my own youth while I was still young.

Anyone finding the wonder that is Stone Roses deserves a star in my book.

I’ve always found hilarious the notion that Hollywood was this bastion of liberalism despite its long history of racism, sexism and homophobia.The business is tolerant because it is pragmatic about who is talented and popular, not out of excessive virtue.

still waiting for clone high s2

But maybe...the conservative parents are the clones of Abraham Lincoln and Joan of Arc!

Ummm ... the answer is 42.