
Same here: I thought their moments together were a welcome respite from the more disturbing aspects of the story.

PWR BTTM is just a thing parents made up to scare kids, like the Bogeyman or Michael Jackson.

The Secret Soundgarden. :)

Oddly enough, "How 'bout an adaptation of Todd Snider's 'Talkin' Seattle Grunge-Rock Blues' instead?" was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the headline. :D

Damn him and his jet-black hair and his winning smile!

"Saltpeter!" "Pins!" :)

Yup, as soon as I saw the headline, 24HPP was the first thing that came to my mind. :) (Granted, I definitely couldn't have handled the real deal, as I'm not much of a partier to begin with; but that film is one of my favorites, I love the music in it, and that last Hacienda Club scene looked especially fun.)

Nope, I had to wait until now, too. :p (And I *hate* the 10-second clip thing — I've also seen that done on 'Doctor Who' and possibly 'Ripper Street.')

I thought 'The Good Place' was deserving of a spot just for its season-finale twist; I found 'Brockmire' pretty funny and surprisingly sweet; and I was actually glad I gave 'Great News' a chance after the otherwise disappointing pilot (though I would've swapped it out on this list for 'Trial & Error').

Very funny show, and yeah, I found it quite sweet by the end. (I loved 'Galavant,' too!) :D

That was such a cute show! Loved Tim and Sam's silly-and-sweet chemistry. :)

I know, right? I thought the latter half of the season was quite strong, especially the three January episodes ("Road Trip," "Hero" and "Sick Day"), and the last five that ran in April-May ("Cheater"/"Runaway" addressing realistic questions about JJ's future independence, the handling of the "R-word" debate in "Prom,"

After their having lost the Han Solo gig (and so soon after the cancellations of both 'Son of Zorn' and 'Making History,' on which they were executive producers), I'm kinda hoping for a 'Clone High' revival — at least a movie or special to properly wrap up that cliffhanger — but DA getting the '21 Jump Street'

Is there full penetration? ;)

As satisfied as I was with that final episode, I wouldn't mind a movie catching up with the characters some 10-20 years later — but Lady Edith had better be a part of it.

"I like men now." :)

something something #sixseasonsandamovie something something…

I think the only ones of those I saw all the way through were 'Speed 2' and 'Con Air,' neither of which I cared for at all. :p

I think it's a cute show. :) As much as I was put off by the pilot (it felt like it was trying to re-create the tone and energy of '30 Rock,' but the jokes just weren't there yet), the second episode got me hooked.

That, or they're holding it off till late spring/early summer. :\