Gray Talk

Are you trying to tell me The Grungies has not objectively withstood the test of time?

I’m in the same commenting purgatory as you, my friend. I’ve liked your comment, for what it’s worth. I know it’s cold comfort, but we gotta stick together in times like these.

See you in March. I’ve got Chinatown, Dino’s, Huntridge Tavern, the Neon Museum, and Red Rocks on the list for revisit. Vacationers sleep on the non-strip stuff, but there’s so much great stuff in Vegas.

I’ve long wondered what the difference is between geeks and dweebies. If anyone has any thoughts I’m all ears.

Fellow DC person here. I could not have articulated my stance on these teams more perfectly.

wtf is twitch lol

I didn’t follow up on the Greenwald or Krugman quotes, but after googling the Obama one for five seconds I see that you’ve completely removed it from context. Nice work.

You look normal now, my friend! Me, on the other hand...

You are going to die alone.

Why did my avatar go from a nice photo of Jim Gray to a bunch of purple pixels? Have I been so obtuse that I’ve neglected to notice a change or two around here?